Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2–6 Dec 2014
King's College London, Strand Campus
Europe/London timezone

Direct searches for New Physics particles at BABAR

2 Dec 2014, 17:30
Great Hall

Great Hall


Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))


We report on the latest searches for low mass states predicted in several New Physics models performed with the data collected by the BABAR detector. These include: searches for the so-called dark photons in e+e- annihilations (e+e- -> gamma A’, A’ -> e+e-, mu+mu-), and for long-lived particles motivated by recent astrophysical observations; searches for non-standard pi0-like particle production in e+e- -> tau+tau- events; and searches for a low mass CP-odd Higgs boson predicted in non-minimal supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model.

Primary authors

Fabio Anulli (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))

Presentation materials