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2–6 Dec 2014
King's College London, Strand Campus
Europe/London timezone

A direct test of T symmetry in the neutral K meson system at KLOE-2


Aleksander Gajos (Jagiellonian University)


This work presents prospects for conducting a novel direct test of time- reversal symmetry at the KLOE-2 experiment. Quantum entanglement of neutral K meson pairs uniquely available at KLOE-2 allows to probe the T symmetry directly and independently of CP violation. This is achieved by a comparison of probabilities for a transition and its inverse obtained through exchange of initial and final states. Such transitions between flavor and CP- definite states of the neutral kaons are only connected by the T conjugation which ensures the CP-independence of the test. While a similar measurement was performed by the BaBar experiment with neutral B mesons, the KLOE-2 detector can test T -violation in the neutral kaons system. Such a test requires i.a. reconstruction of the KL → 3π0 decay accompanied by KS → π±l∓ν with good timing information. Therefore a new reconstruction method for this process is also presented which is capable of reconstructing the KL → 3π0 decay with decay time resolution of O(1τS).

Primary authors

Aleksander Gajos (Jagiellonian University) Antonio Di Domenico (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))

Presentation materials