CERN openlab "IT in Healthcare" Workshop
CERN openlab is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading ICT companies. It was created in 2001 in support of the ambitious computing and data management goals set by the construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and detectors. Building on more than 10 years of ground-breaking work, CERN openlab continues to address the key topics in the CERN scientific and technical programme driven by the planned LHC upgrade activities spanning the next 20 years. The next phase of CERN openlab, Phase V, will start in January 2015 for three more years of joint technical collaborations. The scope of openlab is being expanded beyond High Energy Physics communities to understand how to address major computing and data analysis challenges in as diverse scientific disciplines as healthcare, radioastronomy, neurology or environmental research.
As part of this program, CERN openlab has a specific interest in understanding better the ICT and application requirements in the healthcare and medical research. In collaboration with the recently established CERN Medical Applications Group, CERN openlab is therefore organizing a IT Requirement in Healthcare Workshop and invites healthcare researchers to present their current computing and data challenges to a selected number of leading ICT companies. The goal of the Workshop is to provide an opportunity to identify areas of possible joint collaboration.
Please click on the timetable for more information. The number of seats being limited, please make sure you register (further information will then be sent to participants).
Alberto Bravin
Alberto Di Meglio
Alberto Pace
Alfredo Ferrari
Andrew Purcell
Andrzej Nowak
Antonio Romero Marin
Athanasios Chalas
Bleddyn Jones
Caterina Cuccagna
Cobi Alison Smith
Daniele Lajust
Enrico Maria Staderini
Eva Dafonte Perez
Federico Carminati
Frederic Ehrler
Georges Bédiang
Ghislain Roy
Giacomo Tenaglia
Giovanni Anelli
Henrik Kjeldsen
Jena Lilly
John Evans
Joona Juhani Kurikka
Julia Andreeva
Kristina Gunne
Lorena Lobato Pardavila
Luca Canali
Luigi Antelmi
Manuel Gonzalez Berges
Manuel Martin Marquez
Manuela Cirilli
Marco Manca
Marie-Christine Sawley
Melissa Gaillard
Miguel Coelho
Nenad Buncic
Nick Booth
Rademakers Fons
Richard Mcclatchey
Roman Bauer
Seppo Heikkila
Silvia Schuh
Simone Campana
Sparsh Navin
Steve Myers
Steven Newhouse
Sverre Jarp
Thierry Stora
Tim Smith
Tuuli Utriainen
Ugo Amaldi
Vasilis Vlachoudis
Wioletta Sandra Kozlowska