Conference events
Sunday 23 August 2015, 19:00-20:00 Culture event in the OAC Chapel. Introduction to history of OAC Chapel and meaning of blessing by Katerina Karkala (OAC)
Sunday 23 August 2015, 20:30-21:30 After dinner talk "History of Crete" by Emanuela Larentzakis
Monday 24 August 2015, 21:00 -22:30 Concert of Classical Music (program of the event) and Welcome Drink
Tuesday 25 August 2015, 06:00-17:00 Excursion for accompanying persons for the St Titus celebrations in Herakleion and/or visit to the museum. After the excursion the bus will bring participants either to the hotels or directly to the Technical University of Chania for the Public Talk followed by dinner at s seaside taverna.
Tuesday 25 August 2015 (evening) Public talk (in english, program of event), visit to the "Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna" and dinner in the restaurant
Wednesday 26 August 2015, 19:30-20:30 Poster session with wine testing and dinner at 20:00-21:00
Wednesday 26 August 2015, 21:00-22:00 Opera Gala, OAC amphitheater.
The program of the Opera Gala event can be found here.
Artists: Kalliopi Petrou, Soprano, Alessia Toffanin, piano -
Thursday 27 August 2015, 20:00-23:45 Conference Dinner with Cretan night
Friday 28 August 2015, 18:30-23:30 Excursion to Chania, old venetian harbor
Friday 28 August 2015 (evening)
For interested people visit to the old synagogue of Chania -
Friday 28 August 2015
Science Exhibition at Chania Sailing Club
Public talk (in greek, program of event) at Chania
Saturday 29 August 2015, 18:30 - 21:00 Year of Light and Concert at OAC conference hall
Sunday 30 August 2015 (all day) Conference Excursions.
Sunday 30 August 2015, 21:30 - 22:30 Closing with a concert of classical music in OAC