1:10 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:20 PM
Plenaries: Session 3
Marzia Nardi
(until 3:15 PM)
2:20 PM
Recent progresses in heavy flavor physics in URHIC
Pol Gossiaux
2:50 PM
Hydro-inspired freeze-out model with jets for relativistic heavy Ion collisions (HYDJET++)
Gyulnara Eyyubova
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
3:25 PM
Parallel 1
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
SHiP: a new multipurpose beam-dump experiment at the SPS
Hans Dijkstra
3:45 PM
Future physics potential of CMS
Kerstin Hoepfner
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
4:05 PM
PHENIX Future Plans and Prospects
Michael McCumber
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
4:25 PM
The NA62 experiment at CERN
Mauro Piccini
(INFN - Sezione di Perugia (IT))
3:25 PM
Parallel 2
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
Top quark pair production measurements using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Callie Bertsche
(University of Oklahoma (US))
3:45 PM
Beyond 2 Generations with CMS
Georgios Anagnostou
(Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))
4:05 PM
Single Top quark production cross section and properties using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Andrew Mc Rae Chegwidden
(Michigan State University (US))
4:25 PM
Top quark pair properties using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Gaetano Barone
(Brandeis University (US))
3:25 PM
Parallel 3
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
Coherent energy loss and forward production of hadrons in proton-nucleus collisions
Rodion Kolevatov
(St. Petersburg State University (RU))
3:45 PM
Identified charged hadron production in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Maria Vasileiou
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Faculty of Physics)
4:05 PM
Identified hadron production and study of collective phenomena in p-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Yasser Corrales Morales
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
3:25 PM
Parallel 4
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
What could the LHC teach us on spacetime structure?
George Triantaphyllou
(National Technical University of Athens)
3:50 PM
Search for the dark photon in pi^0 decay
Roberto Piandani
(Universita di Pisa & INFN (IT))
4:10 PM
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in GERDA
Mark Heisel
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
3:25 PM
Parallel 5
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
ICARUS T600: physics results and future activities
Andrea Zani
(Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))
3:45 PM
Results from the Double Chooz experiment
Michiru Kaneda
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:05 PM
Search for sterile neutrino mixing in the nu_mu -> nu_tau appearance channel with the OPERA detector
Nicoletta Mauri
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
4:25 PM
Search for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation with the MEG and MEG II experiments
Marco Venturini
(Scuola Normale Superiore & INFN, Pisa)
4:45 PM
Update on the Majorana Demonstrator
Adam Bradley
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
3:25 PM
Parallel 6
(until 5:25 PM)
3:25 PM
Muon Reconstruction Performance in ATLAS at Run-II
Nathan Rogers Bernard
(University of Massachusetts (US))
3:45 PM
Reconstruction and identification of tau leptons in CMS
Francesco Romeo
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
4:05 PM
Performance of the ATLAS track reconstruction
Silvia Miglioranzi
(Abdus Salam Int. Cent. Theor. Phys. (IT))
4:25 PM
The reconstruction of jets, missing ET and boosted heavy particles with ATLAS in Run II
Claudio Santoni
(Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
4:45 PM
Performance of the photon reconstruction and identification in ATLAS
Phillip George Hamnett
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
5:05 PM
CMS detector performance
Shervin Nourbakhsh
(University of Minnesota (US))
5:25 PM
--- Coffee break ---
5:45 PM
Parallel 1
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
The Universal Wave Function Interpretation of String Theory
Rulin Xiu
(Hawaii Theoretic Physics Research Center)
6:10 PM
Duality of Psychological and Intrinsic Time in Artworks
Milosx Milovanovicx
(Mathematical institute of the Serbian academy of sciences and arts)
6:35 PM
Einstein's Credo and modern physics
Thomas Naumann
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Campus Zeuthen (DE))
5:45 PM
Parallel 2
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
Open-charm production measurements with ALICE at the LHC
Paola Pagano
(Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))
6:05 PM
Non-photonic electrons in central U+U collisions at STAR
Katarína Gajdošová
6:25 PM
The magnetic polarizabilities and g-factor of the charged and neutral rho mesons in a strong magnetic field on the lattice
Olga Solovjeva
(Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
6:45 PM
Polarizability of pseudoscalar mesons from the lattice calculations
Elena Luschevskaya
5:45 PM
Parallel 3
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
Bose–Einstein correlations of charged and neutral kaons in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Elena Rogochaya
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
6:05 PM
Investigation of Particle Coherence in Pb+Pb Collisions at LHC
Bengt Henrik Brusheim Johansson
6:25 PM
Two-particle correlations using THERMINATOR model for BES program
Hanna Zbroszczyk
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
5:45 PM
Parallel 4
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
Analytical Formulae linking Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Takahiro Doi
(Japan/Kyoto University)
6:05 PM
Chiral symmetry breaking of compactified (2+1)-dimensiona land Gross-Neveu model in presence of external magnetic field
Roman Zhokhov
(Institute for high energy physics)
6:25 PM
A New Approach to Analytic, Non-Perturbative Gauge-Invariant QCD Renormalization is described, with applications to high energy elastic p-p scattering
Peter Tsang
(Brown University, Physics Department)
6:45 PM
Absence of the Gribov ambiguity in a quadratic gauge
Haresh Raval
(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
5:45 PM
Parallel 5
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
Schrödinger operator with delta'-interaction supported by non-closed curve
Michal Jex
6:05 PM
Leaky quantum wires. On relation between geometry and spectrum
Sylwia Kondej
(University of Zielona Gora)
6:25 PM
Interacting relativistic quantum dynamics for multi-time wave functions
Matthias Lienert
(Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München)
6:45 PM
New Quantum Effect: Emission of Cosmic X– or –rays by Moving Unstable Particles at Late Times
- Prof.
Krzysztof Urbanowski
(University of Zielona Gora)
5:45 PM
Parallel 6
(until 7:15 PM)
5:45 PM
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
John Kenneth Anders
(University of Liverpool (GB))
6:05 PM
SUSY with the CMS experiment
Mario Masciovecchio
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
6:30 PM
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector
Huan Ren
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
6:50 PM
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
Ingrid Deigaard
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
7:30 PM
Poster session
(until 8:30 PM)
7:30 PM
Antihydrogen dynamics in the AEgIS experiment
Izabela Maria Strojek
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
7:30 PM
Commutative fuzzy geometry and Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics
Sergey Mayburov
(Lebedev Institute of Physics)
7:30 PM
Dual condensates at finite isospin chemical potential
Zhao Zhang
(North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China)
7:30 PM
False vacuum as a quantum unstable state
Krzysztof Urbanowski
(University of Zielona Gora)
7:30 PM
Femtoscopy with unlike-sign kaons at STAR in 200GeV Au+Au collisions
Jindrich Lidrych
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
7:30 PM
First evidence of LPM effect in LHCf, an LHC experiment
Marina Del Prete
(Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
7:30 PM
If God Plays Dice, Must We do the Same? Quantum Entanglement as a Deterministic Phenomenon
Ramzi Suleiman
(University of Haifa)
7:30 PM
Long range force and Y-Bosonic strings in Baryons
Ahmed Bakry
(Institute of Modern Physics)
7:30 PM
Massive Gravi-Electromagnetism in Terms of Octons
Suleyman DEMIR
(Anadolu University-Eskisehir/Turkey)
7:30 PM
Modelling of interaction of material plane with spinor fi eld in the framework of the Symanzik approach
Daria Shukhobodskaia
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
7:30 PM
Muon reconstruction performance in ATLAS at Run-II
Gaetano Barone
(Brandeis University (US))
7:30 PM
Observation of resonant J/Psi_p states in Lambda_b decays
Bernardo Adeva
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
7:30 PM
On Discrete (Digital) Physics: as a Perfect Deterministic Structure for Reality - And the Fundamental Field Equations of Physics
Ramin Zahedi
7:30 PM
On light dilaton extensions of the standard model
Eugenio Megias
(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
7:30 PM
Opto-Box: Optical Modules and Mini-Crate for ATLAS Pixel and IBL Detectors
David Edwin Bertsche
(University of Oklahoma (US))
7:30 PM
Particles composition and interactions using the NUON Model
Rene Brun
7:30 PM
Performance of the ALICE secondary vertex b-tagging algorithm
Gyulnara Eyyubova
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
Lukas Kramarik
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
7:30 PM
Performance Studies of Micromegas Chambers for the New Small Wheel Upgrade Project
Stefanos Leontsinis
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
Konstantinos Ntekas
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
7:30 PM
Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying into lepton jets in 20.3 fb-1 proton–proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Marco Schioppa
(Universita della Calabria (IT))
7:30 PM
Search for new particles in events with one lepton and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
Nikolaos Tsirintanis
(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
7:30 PM
Search for space charge effects in the ICARUS T600 LAr-TPC
Marta Torti
(Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))
7:30 PM
Spinorial Regge Trajectories and Hagedorn-like temperatures
Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
(John Naisbitt University)
7:30 PM
Spinorial Space-Time and the origin of Quantum Mechanics
Luis Gonzalez-Mestres
(John Naisbitt University)
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
9:00 PM
Social event