C2PoA - Cryogenic Systems I
- John Weisend II (SLAC)
- Michael White (Fermilab)
Nicolas Delruelle
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
The High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE project is a major upgrade of the existing ISOLDE and REX-ISOLDE facilities at CERN. The most significant improvement will come from replacing most of the existing REX accelerating structure by a superconducting linear accelerator (SC linac) composed ultimately of six cryo-modules installed in series, each containing superconducting RF cavities and...
Shaopeng Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),Chinese Academy of Science(CAS),China),
zhuo zhang
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
Accelerator driven sub-critical system(ADS)in China is a kind of transmutation machine to minimize the nuclear wastes. As one of the important parts in ADS, InjectorⅠwill be built in IHEP,CAS which needs two cryomodules operating at 2K cryogenic environment to realize 10MeV Proton beam energy; Each cryomodule contains seven Spoke cavities and sevensuperconducting magnets. This paper describes...
Kelly Dixon
(Jefferson Lab)
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
After practical changes were approved to the initial conceptual design of the cryogenic system for the MSU FRIB and an agreement was made with JLab in 2012 to lead the design effort of the cryogenic plant and later the cryo-distribution system, many activities are in place leading toward a cool-down of the linacs prior to 2018. This is mostly due to using similar equipment used at CHLII for...
Brian DeGraff
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
The main cryogenic system for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is comprised of a 4 K cold box, a 2 K cold box, six warm compressors, and ancillary support equipment. This system has been cold and operating with little disruption since 2006. Design and operation of Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) supplied from a single 20,000 gallon supply dewar will be discussed. LN2 used to precool the 4 K cold...
Sungwoon Yoon
(Institute for basic science)
30/06/2015, 09:00
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
A large-scale helium refrigeration system is under designing by Rare Isotope Science Project for a new superconducting Linac, RAON. Heat loads of cryogenic components including cryomodules for superconducting, LTS magnets for IF (In-flight) Separator, and helium distribution system are predicted. The coldbox will supply 4.5 K supercritical helium and 40 K gas helium to each cryomodule through...