C3PoD - Superconducting Magnets Cryogenic Systems I
- Nandhini Dhanaraj (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Al Zeller (FRIB/MSU)
Nandhini Dhanaraj
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Poster Presentation
Thermosiphon cooling scheme is a productive way of cooling large scale superconducting magnets. The absence of active pumping and the availability of the higher heat capacity parameter “latent heat” make this an attractive cooling method. Nevertheless, the design of such a system demands a well-organized study of the effect of various flow parameters, such as, mass flow rates, flow quality,...
Robert Duckworth
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Poster Presentation
In order to determine long term performance of plasma facing components such as diverters and first walls for fusion devices, next generation plasma generators are needed. A Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX) has been proposed to address this need through the generation of plasmas in front of the target with electron temperatures of 1-15 eV and electron densities of 1020 to 1021 m-3...
Isabel Catarino
(LIBPhys-UNL, Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Mr
Jorge Barreto
(LIBPhys-UNL, Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-17 - Novel Concepts and New Devices
Poster Presentation
Cryogen-free superconducting magnet systems (CFMS) have become popular over the last two decades for the simple reason that the use of liquid helium is rather cumbersome and that helium is a scarce resource. Some available CFMS use a mechanical cryocooler as the magnet’s cold source. However, the variable temperature inserts (VTI), for any CFMS, are not cryogen-free as they are still based on...
Sonja Schlachter
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Poster Presentation
In the framework of the Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Group “COMBIT” a conduction-cooled HTS magnet has been designed and built for a radio blackout mitigation experiment. Radio blackout phases often occur during hypersonic or reentry flight of space vehicles. A dense plasma layer created during hypersonic or re-entry flight leads to attenuation or reflection of radio waves and therefore to...
JunJie LI
(High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy Sciences), Prof.
Zheng Rong OUYANG
(High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy Sciences)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-02 - Large-Scale Systems, Facilities, and Testing
Poster Presentation
The 40T hybrid magnet under construction at High Magnetic Field Laboratory of Chinese Academy Sciences (CHMFL) consists of resistive inserts and an 11T superconducting outsert with a clear bore of 800 mm. The outsert made of Nb3Sn CICC is cooled with forced flow supercritical helium at 4.5 K. The main cryogenic system includes a helium refrigerator (360W@4.5K) and a helium distribution system...
Yuko Shiroyanagi
(Argonne National Laboratory)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Poster Presentation
A cryocooler-cooled superconducting undulator (SCU0) has been operating in the Advanced Photon Source (APS) storage ring since January of 2013. Based on lessons learned from the construction and operation of SCU0, the 2nd superconducting undulator (SCU1) has been built and cold tested stand-alone. An excess cooling capacity measurement and static heat load analysis show a large improvement...
roberto zanino
(politecnico di torino)
7/1/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-06 - Superconducting Magnet Systems
Poster Presentation
The HELIOS facility at CEA Grenoble is a supercritical helium (SHe) loop for the study of pulsed heat loads effects on the cryogenic cooling system as typical of superconducting tokamak operation. In order to avoid instabilities in the refrigerator, mitigation strategies with a thermal buffer have been investigated to smooth the pulsed heat loads.
In the standard HELIOS configuration no...