28 September 2015 to 2 October 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

A 12-bit 60-MS/s 36-mW SHA-less Opamp-Sharing Pipeline ADC in 130nm CMOS

30 Sept 2015, 16:32
Hall of Civil Engineering (Lisbon)

Hall of Civil Engineering


IST (Instituto Superior Técnico ) Alameda Campus Av. Rovisco Pais, 1 1049-001 Lisboa Portugal
Poster ASICs Poster


Prof. Jinghong Chen (University of Houston)


This paper presents a 12-bit 60-MS/s SHA-less opamp-sharing pipeline analog-to-digital converter implemented in a 0.13-µm CMOS technology. A switch-embedded dual-input current-reused operational transconductance amplifier with an overlapping two-phase clocking scheme is proposed to achieve low power and eliminate memory effects. The ADC achieves a signal-to-noise and distortion ratio of 64.9 dB and a spurious-free dynamic range of 77.1 dB at 60 MS/s. It occupies 2.3 mm2 area and consumes 36 mW power under a 1.2-V supply.


The development of high-speed, low-power, radiation-tolerant analog-to-digital data converter is critical for the LHC upgrade as well as other collider detector developments. Among various ADC structures, the pipeline ADC offers a good tradeoff among speed, resolution and power consumption and is particularly suitable for medium- to high-speed and high-resolution applications. The pipeline ADC, however, often consumes a large amount of power due to the large number of opamps used in the sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) and the multiplying-DACs (MDACs).

This paper proposes a switch-embedded dual-input opamp-sharing MDAC to reduce the pipeline ADC power consumption without sacrificing its performance. The proposed opamp-sharing technique utilizes a dual-PMOS differential input stage controlled by a two-overlapping clock to eliminate the memory effect and minimize the crosstalk between adjacent pipeline stages. Meanwhile, due to the use of the overlapping clocking scheme the switch turn-on delay can be avoided, which is desired in low-voltage and high-speed pipeline ADC designs. To further reduce the power consumption, the front-end sample-and-hold amplifier is eliminated and a three-phase non-overlapping clocking scheme is adopted in the first pipeline stage to reduce the preamplifier and the residue amplifier speed requirements.

The proposed 12-bit 60 MS/s pipeline ADC has seven pipeline stages including four 2.5-bit per stage MDACs, two 1.5-bit per-stage MDACs and a 2-bit flash ADC. It also has a digital correction logic block, a reference buffer and a clock generator. Two-stage opamps with gain-boosting are adopted in MDAC1 to MDAC4 to achieve high gain and large swing, while MDAC5 and MDAC6 use regular two-stage opamps to save the power consumption. Two adjacent stages share an opamp based on the proposed dual-input opamp-sharing MDAC to improve the ADC power efficiency.

The ADC is designed and fabricated in a 0.13-μm CMOS technology. It occupies an area of 2.3 mm2 and consumes 42 mW of power at 60 MS/s sampling rate under a 1.2-V power supply, including the power consumption of the bandgap and biasing circuits as well as voltage buffers, which is about 6 mW. The measured signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) and peak spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) are 64.9 dB (ENOB = 10.49) and 77.1 dB, respectively, and achieved a figure-of-merit (FOM) of 0.42 pJ/step. Compared with recently published 10 to 12-bit and a few tens of MS/s pipeline ADCs, the prototyped SHA-less opamp-sharing pipeline ADC with the proposed switch-embedded dual-input OTA achieves the best FOM.

The ADC will be irradiated under X-ray with a total dose over 10 Mrad for rad-hard testing. The radiation testing results will be presented at the conference.


Prof. Jinghong Chen (University of Houston) Mr Xiaoke Wen (Southern Methodist University) Mr yang You (Southern Methodist University)


Mr Bozorgmehr Vosooghi (University of Houston, Houston) Datao Gong (Southern Methodist Univeristy) Jingbo Ye (Southern Methodist University, Department of Physics) Tiankuan Liu (Southern Methodist University) Mr Yulang Feng (University of Houston, Houston) Mr Yuxuan Tang (University of Houston, Houston) Mr Zhiheng Zuo (University of Houston, Houston)

Presentation materials