2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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HEPTrails: An Analysis Workflow and Provenance Tracking Application

3 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 43
poster Software components, tools and databases Poster 1


Dr Christopher Jones (Cornell University)


When doing an HEP analysis, physicists typically repeat the same operations over and over while applying minor variations. Doing the operations as well as remembering the changes done during each iteration can be a very tedious process. HEPTrails in an analysis application written in Python and built on top of the University of Utah's VisTrails system which provides workflow and full provenance tracking for scientific analysis. HEPTrails adds substantial extension to VisTrails in order to accommodate HEP analysis. These extensions include: a streaming workflow engine and with very fine grain modules, a lab notebook style presentation window capable of showing preliminary results, and local area distributed computing. Although HEPTrails is still in early development, it already shows great promise in aiding HEP physicists.


Dr Christopher Jones (Cornell University)

Presentation materials