2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
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Implementing a Modular Framework in a Conditions Database Explorer for ATLAS

3 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 58
poster Software components, tools and databases Poster 1


Antonio Amorim (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))


The ATLAS conditions databases will be used to manage information of quite diverse nature and level of complexity. The infrastructure in being built using the LCG COOL infrastructure and provides a powerful information sharing gateway upon many different systems. The nature of the stored information ranges from temporal series of simple values to very complex objects describing the configuration of systems like the TDAQ infrastructure including also associations to large objects managed outside of the database infrastructure. While an unified graphical user interface is crucial for browsing the different data, it must understand and display many different types of information in a flexible way suggesting the use of run time specific plugins. This extension mechanism was heavily used in the KTIDBEXPLORER application that defines and implements not only abstract interfaces to connections to databases and files but also supports extended ROOT and online configuration (OKS) objects in the database. The application is aware of the relations between database objects so it's relations (links) can be explored. The core application, built using QT, displays the hierarchical folder view and powerful table widgets with panels for selecting the database queries. An important example of this architecture is the oNline Objects extended Database browsEr (NODE), that is designed to access and display all data, including histograms and data tables, available in the ATLAS Monitoring Archive. To cope with the special nature of the monitoring objects, a plugin from the MDA framework to the Time managed science Instrument Databases (TIDB2) is used. The database browser is extended, in particular to include operations on histograms like display, overlap, comparisons as well as commenting and local storage.


Antonio Amorim (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Igor Soloviev (PNPI (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)) Joao Batista (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Joao De Almeida Simoes (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Lourenco Lopes (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Paulo Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Ricardo Neves (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon)) Serguei Kolos (University of California, Irvine (UCI, Irvine))

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