2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Usage of LSF for the batch farms at CERN

3 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 30
poster Software components, tools and databases Poster 1


Dr Ulrich Schwickerath (CERN)


LSF 7, the latest version of Platform's batch workload management system, addresses many issues which limited the ability of LSF 6.1 to support large scale batch farms, such as the lxbatch service at CERN. In this paper we will present the status of the evaluation and deployment of LSF 7 at CERN, including issues concerning the integration of LSF 7 witht the gLite grid middleware suite and, in particular, the steps taken to endure an efficient reporting of the local batch system status and usage to the Grid Information System


Presentation materials