Monica Verducci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
One of the most challenging task faced by the LHC experiments will be the storage of
"non-event data" produced by calibration and alignment stream processes into the
Conditions Database. For the handling of this complex experiment conditions data the
LCG Conditions Database Project has implemented COOL, a new software product designed
to minimise the duplication of effort by developing a single implementation to
support persistency for several relational technologies (Oracle,MySQL and SQLite).
After several production releases of the COOL software, the project has be moved into
the deployment phase in Atlas and LHCb, the two experiments that are developing the
software in collaboration with CERN IT. In particular, the ATLAS Conditions Database,
accessed by the offline reconstruction framework (ATHENA), is implemented using this
COOL technology. The objects, stored or referenced in the COOL tables, have an
associated start and end time (run or event number or absolute time-stamp) between
they are valid (Interval of Validity). The storage and retrieving of data during a
recontruction job inside ATHENA is guaranteed by the IOVService, a software interface
between the COOL DB and the reconstruction algorithms. This work describes some
practical examples already successfully tested in ATLAS and the further extensively
tests of the entire chain foreseen during the next Computing and Detector
Commissioning in 2007.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | ATLAS |
Monica Verducci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))