Chadwick Keith
Fermilab supports a scientific program that includes experiments and scientists
located across the globe. In order to better serve this community, Fermilab has
placed its production computer resources in a Campus Grid infrastructure called
'FermiGrid'. The FermiGrid infrastructure allows the large experiments at Fermilab to
have priority access to their own resources, enables sharing of these resources in an
opportunistic fashion, and movement of work (jobs, data) between the Campus Grid and
National Grids such as Open Science Grid and the WLCG.
FermiGrid resources support multiple Virtual Organizations (VOs), including VOs from
the Open Science Grid (OSG), EGEE and the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Collaboration
(WLCG). Fermilab also makes leading contributions to the Open Science Grid in the
areas of accounting, batch computing, grid security, job management, resource
selection, site infrastructure, storage management, and VO services.
Through the FermiGrid interfaces, authenticated and authorized VOs and individuals
may access our core grid services, the 10,000+ Fermilab resident CPUs, near-petabyte
(including CMS) online disk pools and the multi-petabyte Fermilab Mass Storage
System. These core grid services include a site wide Globus gatekeeper, VO management
services for several VOs, Fermilab site authorization services, grid user mapping
services, as well as job accounting and monitoring, resource selection and data
movement services.
Access to these services is via standard and well-supported grid interfaces.
We will report on the user experience of using the FermiGrid campus infrastructure
interfaced to a national cyberinfrastructure - the successes and the problems.
Chadwick Keith
Eileen Berman
Ruth Pordes