2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Feicim: A browser for data and algorithms.

5 Sept 2007, 17:30
Carson Hall A (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall A

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Event Processing Event processing


Dr Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin, School of Physics)


As programming and their environments become increasingly complex, more effort must be invested in presenting the user with a simple yet comprehensive interface. Feicim is a tool that unifies the representation of data and algorithms. It provides resource discovery of data-files, data-content and algorithm implementation through an intuitive graphical user interface. It allows local or remote data stored on Grid type platforms to be accessed by the users, the viewing and creation of user-defined or collaboration-defined algorithms, the implementation of algorithms, and the production of output data-files and/or histograms. An application of Feicim is illustrated using the LHCb data. It provides a graphical view of the Gaudi architecture, LHCb event data model, and interfaces to the file catalogue. Feicim is particularly suited to such frameworks as Gaudi which consider algorithms as objects. Instant viewing of any LHCb data will be of particular value in the commissioning of the detector and for quickly familiarising newcomers to the data and software environment.


Dr Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin, School of Physics)


Dr Lazar Zsolt (University College Dublin (UCD), School of Physics) Dr Tahar Kechadi (University College Dublin (UCD), School of Computer Science)

Presentation materials