Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
The COOL project provides software components and tools for the handling of
the LHC experiment conditions data. COOL software development is the result
of a collaboration between the CERN IT Department and Atlas and LHCb, the
two experiments that have chosen it as the base of their conditions database
infrastructure. COOL supports persistency for several relational technologies
(Oracle, MySQL and SQLite), based on the CORAL Relational Abstraction Layer.
For both experiments, Oracle will be the backend used for the
deployment of COOL database services at Tier0 (both online and offline) and
Tier1 sites. While software development is still ongoing, especially in the area
of performance optimization for data insertion and retrieval, the deployment
and test of Oracle database services for COOL will be the main focus of the
project in 2007. In this presentation, we will review the status and plans of
both software development and service deployment of COOL database services
at the time of the CHEP conference, just before LHC startup.
Andrea Valassi