Software components, tools and databases: SC 1
- Dirk Duellman (CERN)
Software components, tools and databases: SC 2
- There are no conveners in this block
Software components, tools and databases: SC 3
- Federico Carminati (CERN)
Software components, tools and databases: SC 4
- Federico Carminati (CERN)
Software components, tools and databases: SC 5
- Dirk Duellman (CERN)
Software components, tools and databases: SC 6
- Federico Carminati (CERN)
Amir Farbin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/3/07, 2:00โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
As we near the collection of the first data from the Large Hadron Collider, the
ATLAS collaboration is preparing the software and computing infrastructure to
allow quick analysis of the first data and support of the long-term steady-state
ATLAS physics program. As part of this effort considerable attention has been
payed to the "Analysis Model", a vision of the interplay of the...
Nobuhiko Katayama
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
9/3/07, 2:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
We developed the original CABS language more than 10 years ago. The main
objective of the language was to describe a decay of a particle as simply as
possible in the context of usual HEP data analysis. A decay mode, for example,
can be defined as follows:
define Cand Dzerobar kpi 2 { K+ identified pi- identified }
hist 1d inv_mass 0 80 1.5 2.3 ``all momentum''
cut inv_mass...
Luca Lista
(INFN Napoli)
9/3/07, 2:40โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
By end of 2007 the CMS experiment will start running and
Petabytes of data will be produced every year. To make analysis
of this huge amount of data possible the CMS Physics Tools
package builds the highest layer of the CMS experiment software.
A core part of this package is the
Candidate Model providing a coherent interface to different types
of data. Standard tasks like combinatorial...
James William Monk
(Department of Physics and Astronomy - University College London)
9/3/07, 3:00โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The Durham HepData database has for many years provided an up-to-date archive of
published numerical data from HEP experiments worldwide. In anticipation of the
abundance of new data expected from the LHC, the database is undergoing a complete
metamorphosis to add new features and improve the scope for use of the database by
external applications. The core of the HepData restructuring is...
Alberto Di Meglio
9/3/07, 3:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ETICS system is a distributed software configuration, build and test system
designed to fulfill the needs to improve the quality, reliability and
interoperability of distributed software in general and grid software in
particular. The ETICS project is a consortium of five partners (CERN, INFN,
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, 4D Soft and the University of Wisconsin-
Lee Lueking
9/3/07, 3:40โฏPM
Distributed data analysis and information management
oral presentation
The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service (DBS) has been developed to catalog all CMS event
data from Monte Carlo and Detector sources. It includes the ability to identify MC or
trigger source, track data provenance, construct datasets for analysis, and discover
interesting data. CMS requires processing and analysis activities at various service
levels and the system provides support for...
Dirk Duellmann
9/3/07, 4:30โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The CORAL package has been developed as part of the LCG Persistency
Framework project, to provide the LHC experiments with a single C++ access
layer supporting a variety of relational database systems.
In the last two years, CORAL has been integrated as database foundation in
several LHC experiment frameworks and is used in both offline and online
domains. Also, the other LCG...
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/3/07, 4:50โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The COOL project provides software components and tools for the handling of
the LHC experiment conditions data. COOL software development is the result
of a collaboration between the CERN IT Department and Atlas and LHCb, the
two experiments that have chosen it as the base of their conditions database
infrastructure. COOL supports persistency for several relational technologies...
Barbara Martelli
(Italian INFN National Center for Telematics and Informatics (CNAF))
9/3/07, 5:10โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Database replication is a key topic in the LHC Computing GRID environment to allow
processing of data in a distributed environment. In particular LHCb computing model
relies on the LHC File Catalog (LFC). LFC is the database catalog which stores
informations about files spread across the GRID, their logical names and physical
locations of all their replicas. The LHCb computing model...
Michael DePhillips
9/3/07, 5:30โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Database demands resulting from offline analysis and production of data at
The STAR experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy-Ion
Collider has
steadily increased over the last 6 years of data taking activities. With each year
STAR more than doubles events taken with an anticipation of reaching a billion event
capabilities as early as next year. The challenges...
Caitriana Nicholson
(University of Glasgow)
9/3/07, 5:50โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ATLAS Tag Database is an event-level metadata system, designed to
allow efficient identification and selection of interesting events for
user analysis. By making first-level cuts using queries on a relational
database, the size of an analysis input sample could be greatly reduced
and thus the time taken for the analysis reduced. Deployment of such a
Tag database is underway, but to be...
Rene Brun
9/4/07, 11:00โฏAM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The BOOT project was introduced at CHEP06 and is gradually implemented in
ROOT project.
A first phase of the project has consisted in an important restructuring of
the ROOT core classes such that only a small subset is required when starting
a ROOT application (including user libraries). Thanks to this first phase, the
virtual address space required by the interactive version...
Olivier Couet
9/4/07, 11:20โฏAM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ROOT graphical libraries provide support for many different functions
including basic graphics, high-level visualization techniques, output on files, 3D
viewing etc. They use well-known world standards to render graphics on
screen, to produce high-quality output files, and to generate images for Web
publishing. Many techniques allow visualization of all the basic ROOT data
Matevz Tadel
9/4/07, 11:35โฏAM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
OpenGL has been promoted to become the main 3D rendering engine of ROOT. This required a major re-
modularization of OpenGL support on all levels, from basic window-system specific interface to medium-level
object-representation and top-level scene management. This new architecture allows seamless integration of
external scene-graph libraries into the ROOT OpenGL viewer as well as...
Philippe Canal
9/4/07, 11:50โฏAM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
For the last several months the main focus of development
in the ROOT I/O package has been code consolidation and
performance improvements.
Access to remote files is affected both by bandwidth and
latency. We introduced a pre-fetch mechanism to minimize
the number of transactions between client and server and
hence reducing the effect of latency. We will review the...
Andrei Gheata
9/4/07, 12:05โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ROOT geometry modeller (TGeo) offers powerful tools for detector geometry
description. The package provides several functionalities like: navigation, geometry
checking, enhanced visualization, geometry editing GUI and many others, using ROOT
I/O. A new interface module g4root was recently developed to take advantage of ROOT
geometry navigation optimizations in the context of GEANT4...
Lorenzo Moneta
9/5/07, 2:00โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Advanced mathematical and statistical computational methods are required by the LHC experiments to analyzed
their data. These methods are provided by the Math work package of the ROOT project. We present an overview
of the recent developments of this work package by describing in detail the restructuring of the core
mathematical library in a coherent set of new C++ classes and...
Federico Carminati
9/5/07, 2:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Since 1998 the ALICE Offline Project has developed an integrated offline framework (AliRoot) and a distributed
computing environment (AliEn) to process the data of the ALICE experiment. These systems are integrated with the
LCG computing infrastructure, and in particular with the ROOT system and with the WLCG Grid middleware, but
they also present a number of original solutions, which...
Florbela Viegas
9/5/07, 2:40โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ATLAS experiment at LHC will make extensive use of relational databases in both online and offline contexts,
running to O(TBytes) per year. Two of the most challenging applications in terms of data volume and access
patterns are conditions data, making use of the LHC conditions database, COOL, and the TAG database, that stores
summary event quantities allowing a rapid selection of...
Maria Girone
9/5/07, 3:00โฏPM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
oral presentation
Physics meta-data stored in relational databases play a crucial role in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments
and also in the operation of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) services. A large proportion of non-event
data such as detector conditions, calibration, geometry and production bookkeeping relies heavily on databases.
Also, the core Grid services that catalogue and...
Michael Wilson
(European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/5/07, 3:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Assessing the quality of data recorded with the Atlas detector
is crucial for commissioning and operating the detector to achieve
sound physics measurements.
In particular, the fast assessment of complex quantities obtained during
event reconstruction and the ability to easily track them over time are
especially important given the large data throughput and the
distributed nature of the...
Juan Manuel Guijarro
9/5/07, 3:40โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The Database and Engineering Services Group of CERN's Information
Technology Department provides the Oracle based Central Data Base services used
in many activities at CERN.
In order to provide High Availability and ease management for those
services, a NAS (Network Attached Storage) based infrastructure has been set
up. It runs several instances of the Oracle RAC (Real...
Ivana Hrivnacova
(IPN, Orsay, France)
9/6/07, 2:00โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The Virtual Geometry Model (VGM) was introduced at CHEP in 2004,
where its concept, based on the abstract interfaces to geometry
objects, has been presented. Since then, it has undergone a
design evolution to pure abstract interfaces, it has been consolidated
and completed with more advanced features. Currently it is used
in Geant4 VMC for the support of TGeo geometry definition...
Frank Gaede
9/6/07, 2:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ILC is in a very active R&D phase where currently four
international working groups are developing different detector designs.
Increasing the interoperability of the software frameworks that are
used in these studies is mandatory for comparing and optimizing the detector
concepts. One key ingredient for interoperability is the geometry description.
We present a new package (LCGO)...
Lassi Tuura
(Northeastern University)
9/6/07, 2:40โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The CMS experiment at LHC has a very large body of software of its own and uses extensively software from
outside the experiment. Understanding the performance of such a complex system is a very challenging task,
not the least because there are extremely few developer tools capable of profiling software systems of this scale,
or producing useful reports.
CMS has mainly used IgProf,...
Sebastien Binet
9/6/07, 3:00โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Python does not, as a rule, allow many optimizations, because there
are too many things that can change dynamically. However, a lot of HEP analysis
work consists of logically immutable blocks of code that are executed many
times: looping over events, fitting data samples, making plots. In fact, most
parallelization relies on this. There is therefore room for optimizations.
There are...
Jรถrg Stelzer
(CERN, Switzerland)
9/6/07, 3:20โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton
collisions at a rate of 40 MHz. To reduce the data rate, only
potentially interesting events are selected by a three-level trigger
system. The first level is implemented in custom-made electronics,
reducing the data output rate to less than 100 kHz. The second and
third levels are software triggers with a final output rate...
Valentin Kuznetsov
(Cornell University)
9/6/07, 3:40โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
We disscuss the rapid development of a large scale data discovery
service for the CMS experiment using modern AJAX techniques and
the Python language. To implement a flexible interface capable of
accommodating several different versions of the DBS databse, we used
a "stack" approach. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) together
with an SQL abstraction layer, template engine, code...
Mikhail Kirsanov
(Institute for Nuclear Research (INR))
9/6/07, 4:30โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
The Generator Services project collaborates with the Monte Carlo
generators authors and with the LHC experiments in order to prepare
validated LCG compliant code for both the theoretical and the
experimental communities at the LHC. On the one side it provides the
technical support as far as the installation and the maintenance of
the generators packages on the supported platforms is...
Peter Elmer
(Princeton University)
9/6/07, 4:50โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
Modern HEP experiments at colliders typically require offline software
systems consisting of many millions of lines of code. The software is
developed by hundreds of geographically distributed developers and is
often used actively for 10-15 years or longer. The tools and technologies
to support this HEP software development model have long been an interesting
topic at CHEP conferences....
Sverre Jarp
9/6/07, 5:10โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
A new interface to the performance monitoring hardware of almost all supported
hardware processors (AMD, IBM, INTEL, SUN, etc.) is in the process of being added to
the Linux 2.6 kernel.
CERN openlab has participated in some of the development together with one of the key
developers from HP labs.
In this talk we review the capabilities of this interface on relevant platforms, such
as the...
Marcin Nowak
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/6/07, 5:30โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
In anticipation of data taking, ATLAS has undertaken a program of work
to develop an explicit state representation of the experiment's complex transient
event data model. This effort has provided both an opportunity to
consider explicitly the structure, organization, and content of the ATLAS persistent
event store before writing tens of petabytes of data (replacing simple...
Giulio Eulisse
(Northeastern University of Boston)
9/6/07, 5:50โฏPM
Software components, tools and databases
oral presentation
CMS software depends on over one hundred external packages, it's therefore obvious that being able to manage
the way they are built, deployed and configured and their dependencies (both among themselves and with
respect to core CMS software) is a critical part of the system.
We present a completely new system used to build and distribute CMS software which has
enabled us to go from...