2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Advances in Integrated Storage,Transfer and Network Management

3 Sept 2007, 17:30
Carson Hall B (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall B

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Computer facilities, production grids and networking Computer facilities, production grids and networking


Paul Avery (University of Florida)


UltraLight is a collaboration of experimental physicists and network engineers whose purpose is to provide the network advances required to enable and facilitate petabyte-scale analysis of globally distributed data. Existing Grid-based infrastructures provide massive computing and storage resources, but are currently limited by their treatment of the network as an external, passive, and largely unmanaged resource. This paper will give an overview of the recent advances made within the UltraLight collaboration over the last 3 years within the different work areas of the project which include: the UltraLight testbed, transportation layer (FAST TCP and MAX net), transfer applications (FDT), network aware command and control systems (VINCI), network centric storage clouds (LStore), and physics applications (data streaming and distributed analysis). Several of the technologies developed within the UltraLight project are currently being deployed and field tested to support efficient transfer of data and prepare for LHC startup. The core of the tools rely on globally distributed publish and subscribe infrastructures and end-to-end monitoring, to prevent single points of failure, increase robustness and improve scalability.


Mr Alan Tacket (Vanderbilt University) Mr Conrad Steenberg (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Daniel Engh (Vanderbilt University) Mr Dimitri Bourilkov (University of Florida) Mr Frank van Lingen (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Harvey Newman (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Ilya Narsky (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Iosif Legrand (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Julian Bunn (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Michael Thomas (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Paul Avery (University of Florida) Mr Paul Sheldon (Vanderbilt University) Mr Rick Cavanaugh (University of Florida) Mr Shawn McKee (University of Michigan)


Mr Alberto Santoro (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) Mr Andy Adamson (University of Michigan) Mr Azher Amin (National University of Science and Technology) Mr Chip Chapman (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Dan Nae (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Don Petravick (Fermi National Laboratory) Mr Dongchul Son (Kyungpook National University) Mr Edoardo Martelli (CERN) Mr Ernesto Rubi (Florida International University) Mr Frank Burstein (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr John Bigrow (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Julio Ibarra (Florida International University) Mr Matt Crawford (Fermi National Laboratory) Ms Minsun Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Mr Ramiro Voicu (CERN) Mr Scott Bradley (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Sergio Novaes (São Paulo State University) Mr Steven Low (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Mr Yang Xia (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)

Presentation materials