Alexander Withers
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The PostgreSQL database is a vital component of critical services at the
RHIC/USATLAS Computing Facility such as the Quill subsystem of the Condor
Project and both PNFS and SRM within dCache. Current deployments are
relatively unsophisticated, utilizing default configurations on small-scale
commodity hardware. However, a substantial increase in projected growth has
exposed deficiencies in this model. Our goal, therefore, is to ensure the
scalability and continued availability of our database servers while
minimizing costs and administrative overhead. To attain this goal we tested
database I/O throughput across a range of inexpensive server and
local/external disk configurations in order to determine which was optimal
for our environment. This evaluation considered processor type (AMD vs.
Intel), disk family (SATA vs. SAS), RAID configuration, and the amount of
system memory. Finally, while our evaluation was designed to solve specific
problems, we believe that the results of our general tests can be applied to
similar deployments of PostgreSQL elsewhere.
Alexander Withers
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Antonio Chan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Robert Petkus
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)