Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
With the turn-on of the LHC, the CMS DAQ system is expecting to log petabytes of
experiment data in the coming years. The CMS Storage Manager system is a part of the
high bandwidth event data handling pipeline of the CMS high level DAQ. It has two
primary functions. Each Storage Manager instance collects data from the sub-farm, or
DAQ slice of the Event Filter farm it has been assigned to, and logs it to disk. It
also serves as an event and histogram server for calibration and monitoring
processes. The Event Filter and Storage Manager cooperating systems use a special
serialized form of the offline event data model in order to achieve the bandwidth
specifications required by CMS. The online format is converted to the standard
offline format in the tier zero before storage to the tape archive. This paper will
detail the technical implementation and performance achievements of these cooperating
systems during the recent data challenges.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | for the CMS Storage Manager group |
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy