2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS

5 Sept 2007, 15:20
Lecture (Victoria, Canada)


Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Software components, tools and databases Software components, tools and databases


Dr Michael Wilson (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN))


Assessing the quality of data recorded with the Atlas detector is crucial for commissioning and operating the detector to achieve sound physics measurements. In particular, the fast assessment of complex quantities obtained during event reconstruction and the ability to easily track them over time are especially important given the large data throughput and the distributed nature of the analysis environment. The data are processed once on a computer farm comprising O(1000) nodes before being distributed on the Grid, and reliable, centralized methods must be used to organize, merge, present, and archive data-quality metrics for performance experts and analysts. A review of the tools and approaches employed by the detector and physics groups in this environment and a summary of their performances during commissioning are presented.


Prof. Andreas Hoecker (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Prof. Beate Heinemann (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL)) Prof. Claude Guyot (DAPNIA, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEN Saclay)) Dr Else Lytken (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Prof. Michael Hauschild (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Dr Michael Wilson (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Dr Richard Hawkings (European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Prof. Robert McPherson (University of Victoria) Dr Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials