2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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CERN Single Sign On solution

3 Sept 2007, 14:40
Oak (Victoria, Canada)


Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Collaborative tools Collaborative tools


Mr Emmanuel Ormancey (CERN)


The need for Single Sign On has always been restricted by the lack of cross platform solutions: a single sign on working only on one platform or technology is nearly useless. The recent improvements in Web Services Federation (WS- Federation) standard enabling federation of identity, attribute, authentication and authorization information can now provide real extended Single Sign On solutions. CERN has investigated various options and now provides a Web SSO solution using some parts of WS-Federation technology. By using Shibboleth Service Provider module for Apache hosted web sites and Microsoft ADFS as identity provider linked to Active Directory user, users can now authenticate on any web application using a single authentication platform, providing identity, user information (building, phone...) as well as group membership enabling authorization possibilities. A typical scenario: a CERN user can now authenticate on a Linux/Apache website using Windows Integrated credentials, and his Active Directory group membership can be checked before allowing access to a specific web page.


Presentation materials