2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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CMS packaging system or: how I learned stop worrying and love RPM spec files

6 Sept 2007, 17:50
Saanich (Victoria, Canada)


Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Software components, tools and databases Software components, tools and databases


Mr Giulio Eulisse (Northeastern University of Boston)


CMS software depends on over one hundred external packages, it's therefore obvious that being able to manage the way they are built, deployed and configured and their dependencies (both among themselves and with respect to core CMS software) is a critical part of the system. We present a completely new system used to build and distribute CMS software which has enabled us to go from monthly releases of the distribution kit to multiple releases during a single week, for multiple computing architectures. The system gives full reproducibility of the building and deployment process from the build of the compiler to the actual experiment software, being it offline reconstruction, online filter farm or computing / web interfaces one. The system is based on industry standard technologies, such as RPM and APT, with minimized custom additions to workaround limitations or to address specific needs imposed by a large high energy physics experiment like CMS.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) Giulio Eulisse on behalf of CMS Offline group


Mr Giulio Eulisse (Northeastern University of Boston)


Lassi Tuura (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY OF BOSTON (MA) U.S.A.) Dr Peter Elmer (Princeton University) Dr Stefano Argiro' (Universita' di Torino)

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