Iosif Legrand
Ramiro Voicu
The efficient use of high-speed networks to transfer large data sets is an essential
component for many scientific applications including CERN’s LCG experiments.
We present an efficient data transfer application, Fast Data Transfer (FDT), and a
distributed agent system (LISA) able to monitor, configure, control and globally
coordinate complex, large scale data transfers.
FDT is an Application for Efficient Data Transfers which is capable of reading and
writing at disk speed over wide area networks (with standard TCP). If it is used for
memory to memory transfers between two computers it can saturate a 10Gb/s WAN link.
Disk to disk transfers between several servers can saturate a 10Gb/s in both directions.
It is written in Java, runs an all major platforms and it is easy to use.
FDT is based on an asynchronous, flexible multithreaded architecture able to balance
and optimize the access to disks and to control the flow of data in the network
through multiple streams. It streams datasets continuously, using a managed pool of
buffers through one several TCP sockets in parallel and is using independent threads
to read and write on each physical device.
LISA (The Localhost Information Service Agent) is lightweight dynamic services that
provides complete system monitoring and is capable to dynamically configure the
system or running applications. It provides the functionality to orchestrate and
optimize distributed large data transfers at the Supercomputing 2006 Bandwidth
Challenge between more than 200 systems around the world.
Ciprian Dobre
(Polytechnic University of Bucharest)
Harvey Newman
Iosif Legrand
Ramiro Voicu