2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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VINCI : Virtual Intelligent Networks for Computing Infrastructures

3 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 72
poster Computer facilities, production grids and networking Poster 1


Prof. Harvey Newman (CALTECH)


The main objective of the VINCI project is to enable data intensive applications to efficiently use and coordinate shared, hybrid network resources, to improve the performance and throughput of global-scale grid systems, such as those used in high energy physics. VINCI uses a set of agent-based services implemented in the MonALISA framework to enable the efficient use of network resources, coordinated with computing and storage resources. VINCI is an integrated network service system that provides client authentication and authorization, discovery of services and the topology of connections, workflow scheduling, global optimization and monitoring. The distributed agent system provides dynamically, on demand, end to end optical (or layer two VLAN) connections in less than one second independent of the location and the number of optical switches involved. It monitors and supervises all the created connections and is able to automatically generate an alternative path in case of connectivity errors. The alternative path is set up rapidly enough to avoid a TCP timeout, and thus to allow the transfer to continue uninterrupted. Dedicated agents are used to monitor the client systems and to detect hardware and software configuration. They can perform end to end performance measurements and if necessary to configure the systems. We are developing agents able to interact with GMPLS and CIENA’s G.ASON network control plane protocols and to integrate this functionality into the network services provided by the VINCI framework.

Primary authors

Ciprian Dobre (Polytechnic University of Bucharest) Prof. Harvey Newman (CALTECH) Dr Iosif Legrand (CALTECH) Ramiro Voicu (CALTECH)

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