Event processing: EP 1
- Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
Event processing: EP 2
- Stephen Gowdy (SLAC)
Event processing: EP 3
- Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
Event processing: EP 4
- Stephen Gowdy (SLAC)
Event processing: EP 5
- Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
Event processing: EP 6
- Stephen Gowdy (SLAC)
Event processing: EP 7
- Patricia McBride (Fermilab)
Adele Rimoldi
(Pavia University & INFN)
03/09/2007, 14:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
The ATLAS detector is entering the final phases of construction and
commissioning in order to be ready to take data during the first LHC
commissioning run, foreseen by the end of 2007. A good understanding of
the experiment performance from the beginning is essential to
efficiently debug the detector and assess its physics potential in view
of the physics runs which are going to take...
Sunanda Banerjee
03/09/2007, 14:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
The CMS simulation based on the Geant4 toolkit and the CMS object-oriented framework
has been in production for more than three years and has delivered a total of more
than 200 M physics events for the CMS Data Challenges and Physics Technical Design
Report studies. The simulation software has been successfully ported to the new CMS
Event-Data-Model based software framework and is used in...
Thomas Paul
(Northeastern University)
03/09/2007, 14:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
The Pierre Auger Observatory aims to discover the nature and
origins of the highest energy cosmic rays. The large number of
physicists involved in the project and the diversity of simulation
and reconstruction tasks pose a challenge for the offline analysis
software, not unlike the challenges confronting software for very large
high energy physics experiments. Previously we have...
Norman Graf
03/09/2007, 15:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
The International Linear Collider (ILC) promises to provide electron-positron
collisions at unprecedented energy and luminosities. Designing the detectors
to extract the physics from these events requires efficient tools to simulate
the detector response and reconstruct the events.
The detector response package, slic, is based on the Geant4 toolkit and adds
a thin layer of C++ code....
Frank Gaede
03/09/2007, 15:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
The International Linear Collider is the next large accelerator project in
High Energy Physics. The Large Detector Concept (LDC) study is one of four
international working groups that are developing a detector concept for the
ILC. The LDC uses a modular C++ application framework (Marlin) that is
based on the international data format LCIO. It allows the distributed
development of...
Matevz Tadel
03/09/2007, 15:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
ALICE Event Visualization Environment (AliEVE) is based on ROOT and its GUI, 2D & 3D graphics classes. A small
application kernel provides for registration and management of visualization objects. CINT scripts are used as an
extensible mechanism for data extraction, selection and processing as well as for steering of frequent event-
related tasks. AliEVE is used for event visualization in...
Ivana Hrivnacova
03/09/2007, 16:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
The Virtual Monte Carlo (VMC) provides the abstract interface
into the Monte Carlo transport codes: Geant3, Geant4 and Fluka.
The user VMC based application, independent from the specific
Monte Carlo codes, can be then run with all three simulation programs.
The VMC has been developed by the ALICE Offline Project and since
then it draw attention in more experimental...
Tsukasa Aso
(Toyama National College of Maritime Technology, JST CREST)
03/09/2007, 16:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The GEANT4 Monte Carlo code provides many powerful functions for conducting
particle transport simulations with great reliability and flexibility. GEANT4 has
been extending the application fields for not only the high energy physics but
also medical physics. Using the reliable simulation for the radiation therapy, it
will become possible to validate treatment planning and select the...
Vladimir Ivantchenko
03/09/2007, 17:10
Event Processing
oral presentation
Current status of the Standard EM package of the Geant4 toolkit is described.
The precision of simulation results is discussed with the focus on LHC
experiments. The comparisons of the simulation with the experimental data are
Maria Grazia Pia
(INFN Genova)
03/09/2007, 17:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
A project is in progress for a systematic, quantitative validation of Geant4 physics
models against experimental data.
Due to the complexity of Geant4 physics, the validation of Geant4 hadronic models
proceeds according to a bottom-up approach (i.e. from the lower energy range up to
higher energies): this approach, which is different from the one adopted in the LCG
Simulation Validation...
Wolfgang Ehrenfeld
(Univ. of Hamburg/DESY)
03/09/2007, 17:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The simulation of the ATLAS detector is largely dominated by the
showering of electromagnetic particles in the heavy parts of the
detector, especially the electromagnetic barrel and endcap
calorimeters. Two procedures have been developed to accelerate the
processing time of EM particles in these regions: (1) a fast shower
parameterization and (2) a frozen shower library. Both work...
Shahram Rahatlou
(Univ di Roma La Sapienza), Dr
Tommaso Boccali
(INFN Sezione di Pisa)
04/09/2007, 11:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
At the end of 2007 the first colliding beams from LHC are expected. The CMS Computing
model enforces the use of the same software (with different performance settings) for
offline and online(HLT) operations; this is particularly true for the reconstruction
software: the different settings must allow a processing time per event
(typically, numbers for 2x10e33 luminosity are given) of 50 ms...
Swagato Banerjee
(University of Victoria)
04/09/2007, 11:40
Event Processing
BaBar Abstract #8 - Track 2 (Event processing)
Experience with validating GEANT4 v7 and v8 against v6 in BaBar
S. Banerjee, P. Kim, W. Lockman, and D. Wright for the BaBar Computing Group
The BaBar experiment at SLAC has been using the GEANT 4 package
version 6 for simulation of the detector response to passage of
particles through its material.
Since 2005 and 2006, respectively,...
Boris Mangano
(University of California, San Diego)
05/09/2007, 14:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
With nominal collision energies of 14 TeV at luminosities of 10^34
cm^-2 s^-1, the LHC will explore energies an order of magnitude higher
than colliders before. This poses big challenges for the tracking
system and the tracking software to reconstruct tracks in the primary
collision and the ~20 underlying events.
CMS has built a full silicon tracking system consisting of an inner
Sergio Gonzalez-Sevilla
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
05/09/2007, 14:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
It is foreseen that the Large Hadron Collider will start its
operations and collide proton beams during November 2007. ATLAS is one of the
four LHC experiments currently under preparation. The alignment of the ATLAS
tracking system is one of the challenges that the experiment must solve in
order to achieve its physics goals. The tracking system comprises two silicon
technologies: pixel...
Yuri Fisyak
05/09/2007, 14:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
The STAR experiment was primarily designed to detect signals of a possible phase
transition in nuclear matter. Its layout, typical for a collider experiment, contains
a large Time Projection Chamber (TPC) in a Solenoid Magnet, a set of four layers of
combined silicon strip and silicon drift detectors for secondary vertex
reconstruction plus other detectors. In this presentation, we will...
Markus Stoye
(Inst. f. Experimentalphysik, Universitaet Hamburg)
05/09/2007, 15:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
The CMS silicon tracker comprises about 17000 silicon modules. Its radius
and length of 120 cm and 560 cm, respectively, make it the largest silicon tracker
ever built. To fully exploit the precise hit measurements, it is necessary to
determine the positions and orientations of the silicon modules to the level of mum and
murad, respectively.
Among other track based alignment algorithms,...
Yao Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
05/09/2007, 15:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
The BESIII detector will be commissioned at the upgraded Beijing Electron
Positron Collider (BEPCII) at the end of 2007. The drift chamber(MDC), which is
one of the most important sub-detectors of the BESIII detector, is expected to
provide good momentum resolution (0.5%@1GeV/c) and tracking efficiency in a
range of 0.1~2.0 GeV/c. This makes stringent demands on the performance of...
Stefano Spataro
(II Physikalisches Institut, Universitรคt Giessen (Germany))
05/09/2007, 15:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
The PANDA detector will be located at the future GSI accelerator FAIR. Its
primary objective is the investigation of strong interaction with anti-proton
beams, in the range up to 15 GeV/c as momentum of the incoming anti-proton.
The PANDA offline simulation framework is called โPandaRootโ, as it is based
upon the ROOT 5.12 package. It is characterized by a high versatility; it allows...
Jรถrg Stelzer
05/09/2007, 16:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
In high-energy physics, with the search for ever smaller signals in
ever larger data sets, it has become essential to extract a maximum of
the available information from the data. Multivariate classification
methods based on machine learning techniques have become a fundamental
ingredient to most analyses. Also the multivariate classifiers
themselves have significantly evolved in recent...
Denis Bertini
05/09/2007, 16:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The experiments design studies at FAIR are done using a ROOT based simulation and
analysis framework : FairRoot. The framework is using the Virtual Monte Carlo concept
which allows to perform simulation using Geant3, Geant4 or Fluka without changing the
user code. The same framework is then used for data analysis. An Oracle database with
a build-in versioning management is used to...
Thijs Cornelissen
05/09/2007, 17:10
Event Processing
oral presentation
While most high energy experiments use track fitting software that is
based on the Kalman technique, the ATLAS offline reconstruction has
several global track fitters available. One of these is the global chi^2
fitter, which is based on the scattering angle formulation of the track
fit. One of the advantages of this method over the Kalman fit is that it
can provide the scattering angles...
Ronan McNulty
(University College Dublin, School of Physics)
05/09/2007, 17:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
As programming and their environments become increasingly complex, more
effort must be invested in presenting the user with a simple yet comprehensive
interface. Feicim is a tool that unifies the representation of data and
algorithms. It provides resource discovery of data-files, data-content and
algorithm implementation through an intuitive graphical user interface. It allows...
Christopher Jones
(Cornell University)
05/09/2007, 17:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The CMS offline software suite uses a layered approach to provide several different environments suitable for a
wide range of analysis styles.
At the heart of all the environments is the ROOT-based event data model file format. The simplest environment
uses "bare" ROOT to read files directly, without the use of any CMS-specific supporting libraries. This is useful for
Tomasz Maciej Frueboes
(Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)
06/09/2007, 14:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
The CMS detector will start its operation in the end of 2007. Until
that time great care must be taken in order to assure that hardware
operation is fully understood. We present an example of how emulation
software helps achieving this goal in the CMS Level-1 RPC Trigger
The design of the RPC trigger allows to insert sets of so-called test
pulses at any stage of the hardware...
Helen Hayward
(University of Liverpool)
06/09/2007, 14:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
The inner detector of the ATLAS experiment is in the process of being
commissioned using cosmic ray events. First tests were performed in
the SR1 assembly hall at CERN with both barrel and endcaps for all
different detector technologies (pixels and microstrips silicon
detectors as well as straw tubes with additional transition radiation
detection). Integration with the rest of the ATLAS...
Giuseppe Bagliesi
(INFN Sezione di Pisa)
06/09/2007, 14:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
Tau leptons play surely a key role in the physics studies at the
LHC. Interests in using tau leptons include (but are not limited to)
their ability to offer a relatively low background environment, a
competitive way of probing new physics as well as the possibility to
explore new physics regions not accessible otherwise.The Tau
identification and reconstruction algorithms developed for...
Pavel Reznicek
(IPNP, Charles University in Prague)
06/09/2007, 15:00
Event Processing
oral presentation
The LHC experiments will search for physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model
(BSM). Highly sensitive tests of beauty hadrons will represent an alternative
approach to this research. The analyzes of complex decay chains of beauty hadrons
will require involving several nodes, and detector tracks made by these reactions
must be extracted efficiently from other events to make...
Kirill Prokofiev
(University of Sheffield)
06/09/2007, 15:20
Event Processing
oral presentation
In the harsh environment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (design
luminosity of 10^34 cm-2s-1) efficient reconstruction of the signal primary
vertex is crucial for many physics analyses. Described in this paper are
primary vertex reconstruction strategies implemented in the ATLAS software
framework Athena. The implementation of the algorithms follows a very
modular design based on...
Norman Graf
06/09/2007, 15:40
Event Processing
oral presentation
The International Linear Collider (ILC) promises to provide electron-positron
collisions at unprecedented energy and luminosities. The relative democracy
with which final states are produced at these high energies places a premium
on the efficiency and resolution with which events can be reconstructed.
In particular, the physics program places very demanding requirements on
the dijet...
Haleh Hadavand
(Southern Methodist University)
06/09/2007, 16:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
The ATLAS experiment of the LHC is now taking its first data by
collecting cosmic ray events. The full reconstruction chain including
all sub-systems (inner detector, calorimeters and muon spectrometer)
is being commissioned with this kind of data for the first time.
Specific adaptations to deal with particles not coming from the
interaction point and not synchronized with the readout...
Ianna Osborne
(Northeastern University)
06/09/2007, 16:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The event display and data quality monitoring visualisation
systems are especially crucial for commissioning CMS in the
imminent CMS physics run at the LHC. They have already proved
invaluable for the CMS magnet test and cosmic challenge.
We describe how these systems are used to navigate and filter
the immense amounts of complex event data from the CMS detector
and prepare clear and...
Andrea Dotti
(Universitร and INFN Pisa)
06/09/2007, 17:10
Event Processing
oral presentation
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central hadronic calorimeter of the
ATLAS experiment presently in an advanced state of installation and
commissioning at the LHC accelerator.
The complexity of the experiment, the number of electronics channels and the
high rate of acquired events requires a detailed commissioning of the detector,
during the installation phase of the experiment and...
Victor Serbo
06/09/2007, 17:30
Event Processing
oral presentation
JAIDA is a Java implementation of the Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis (AIDA);
it is part of the FreeHEP library. JAIDA allows Java programmers to quickly and
easily create histograms, scatter plots and tuples, perform fits, view plots and
store and retrieve analysis objects from files. JAIDA can be used either in a
non-graphical environment (for batch processing) or with a GUI. Files...
Andreas Salzburger
(University of Innsbruck & CERN)
06/09/2007, 17:50
Event Processing
oral presentation
The track reconstruction of modern high energy physics experiments is a very complex
task that puts stringent requirements onto the software realisation. The ATLAS track
reconstruction software has been in the past dominated by a collection of individual
packages, each of which incorporating a different intrinsic event data model,
different data flow sequences and calibration data. The...