Online computing: OC 1
- Brigitte Vachon (McGill University)
Online computing: OC 2
- Niko Neufeld (CERN)
Online computing: OC 3
- Niko Neufeld (CERN)
Online computing: OC 4
- Niko Neufeld (CERN)
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
03/09/2007, 16:30
Online Computing
oral presentation
The DZERO experiment records proton-antiproton collisions at the Fermilab
Tevatron collider. The DZERO Level 3 data acquisition (DAQ) system is required
to transfer event fragments of approximately 1-20 kilobytes from
63 VME crate sources to any of approximately 240 processing nodes at a rate
of 1 kHz. It is built upon a Cisco 6509 Ethernet switch, standard PCs, and
commodity VME...
Simon George
(Royal Holloway)
03/09/2007, 16:50
Online Computing
oral presentation
The High Level Trigger (HLT) of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
receives events which pass the LVL1 trigger at ~75 kHz and has to reduce the rate to
~200 Hz while retaining the most interesting physics. It is a software trigger and
performs the reduction in two stages: the LVL2 trigger should take ~10 ms and the
Event Filter (EF) ~1 s.
At the heart of the HLT is the...
Emilio Meschi
03/09/2007, 17:05
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider is currently being commissioned and is scheduled to
collect the first pp collision data towards the end of 2007.
CMS features a two-level trigger system. The Level-1 trigger, based on custom hardware, is designed to reduce
the collision rate of 40 MHz to approximately 100 kHz. Data for events accepted by the Level-1 trigger are read...
Markus Frank
03/09/2007, 17:20
Online Computing
oral presentation
The High Level Trigger and Data Acquisition system of the LHCb experiment at
the CERN Large Hadron Collider must handle proton-proton collisions from
beams crossing at 40 MHz. After a hardware-based first level trigger events
have to be processed at the rate of 1 MHz and filtered by software-based
trigger applications that run in a trigger farm consisting of up to 2000 PCs. The
Leonard Apanasevich
(University of Chicago at Illinois)
03/09/2007, 17:40
Online Computing
oral presentation
The High Level Trigger (HLT) that runs in the 1000 dual-CPU box Filter
Farm of the CMS experiment is a set of sophisticated software tools
for selecting a very small fraction of interesting events in real
time. The coherent tuning of these algorithms to accommodate multiple
physics channels is a key issue for CMS, one that literally defines
the reach of the experiment's physics program....
Teresa Maria Fonseca Martin
03/09/2007, 17:55
Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS experiment under construction at CERN is due to begin operation at the end
of 2007. The detector will record the results of proton-proton collisions at a
centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The trigger is a three-tier system designed to
identify in real-time potentially interesting events that are then saved for detailed
offline analysis. The trigger system will select...
Dmitry Emeliyanov
03/09/2007, 18:10
Online Computing
oral presentation
The unprecedented rate of beauty production at the LHC will yield high statistics for
measurements such as CP violation and Bs oscillation and will provide the opportunity
to search for and study very rare decays, such as Bโ ๏ญ๏ญ .The trigger is a vital
component for this work and must select events containing the channels of interest
from a huge background in order to reduce the 40 MHz...
Matthias Wittgen
05/09/2007, 14:00
Online Computing
oral presentation
The BaBar slow control system uses EPICS (Experimental Physics and
Industrial Control System) running on 17 VME based single board computers (SBCs).
EPICS supports the real-time operating systems vxWorks and RTEMS.
During the 2004/05 shutdown BaBar started to install a new detector
component, the Limited Streamer Tubes (LST), adding over 20000 high
voltage channels and about 350...
Filimon Roukoutakis
(CERN & University of Athens)
05/09/2007, 14:20
Online Computing
oral presentation
ALICE is one of the experiments under installation at CERN Large Hadron Collider,
dedicated to the study of Heavy-Ion Collisions. The final ALICE Data Acquisition
system has been installed and is being used for the testing and commissioning of
detectors. Data Quality Monitoring
(DQM) is an important aspect of the online procedures for a HEP experiment. In this
presentation we overview the...
Serguei Kolos
(University of California Irvine)
05/09/2007, 14:35
Online Computing
oral presentation
Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) is an important and integral part of the data taking
and data reconstruction of HEP experiments. In an online environment, DQM
provides the shift crew with live information beyond basic monitoring. This is used to
overcome problems promptly and help avoid taking faulty data. During the off-line
reconstruction DQM is used for more complex analysis of physics...
William Badgett
05/09/2007, 14:50
Online Computing
oral presentation
We present the Online Web Based Monitoring (WBM) system of the CMS experiment,
consisting of a web services framework based on Jakarta/Tomcat and the
Root data display package. Due to security concerns, many monitoring
applications of the CMS experiment cannot be run outside of the experimental
site. As such, in order to allow remote users access to CMS experimental
status information,...
Igor Soloviev
05/09/2007, 15:05
Online Computing
oral presentation
This paper describes challenging requirements on the configuration service. It
presents the status of the implementation and testing one year before the
start of the ATLAS experiment at CERN providing details of:
- capabilities of underlying OKS* object manager to store and to archive
configuration descriptions, it's user and programming interfaces;
- the organization of configuration...
Martin Weber
(RWTH Aachen, Germany)
05/09/2007, 15:20
Online Computing
oral presentation
The full-silicon tracker of the CMS experiment with its 15148 strip and 1440
pixel modules is of an unprecedented size. For optimal track-parameter
resolution, the position and orientation of its modules need to be determined
with a precision of a few micrometer.
Starting from the inclusion of survey measurements, the use of a hardware
alignment system, and track based alignment, this...
Vardan Gyurjyan
(Jefferson Lab)
05/09/2007, 15:35
Online Computing
oral presentation
AFECS is a pure Java based software framework for designing and implementing
distributed control systems. AFECS creates a control system environment as a
collection of software agents behaving as finite state machines. These agents can
represent real entities, such as hardware devices, software tasks, or control
subsystems. A special control oriented ontology language (COOL), based on RDFS...
Luca Malgeri
05/09/2007, 16:30
Online Computing
oral presentation
The Calibration software framework is a crucial ingredient for all LHC experiments.
In this report we shall focus on the technical challenges of this effort in the CMS experiment.
It spans between careful design of the DataBase infrastructure for a quick and safe storing and
retrieving of calibration constants and algorithm optimization to cope with the time and workflow constraints of High...
Maria Del Carmen Barandela Pazos
(University of Vigo)
05/09/2007, 16:45
Online Computing
oral presentation
In a High Energy Physics experiment it is fundamental to handle information
related to the status of the detector and its environment at the time of the
acquired event. This type of time-varying non-event data are often grouped
under the term โconditionsโ. The LHCbโs Experiment Control System groups all
the infrastructure for the configuration, control and monitoring of all the...
O Solovyanov
(IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
05/09/2007, 17:00
Online Computing
oral presentation
An online control system to calibrate and monitor ATLAS Barrel hadronic calorimeter
(TileCal) with a movable radioactive source, driven by liquid flow, is described.
To read out and control the system an online software has been developed, using ATLAS
TDAQ components like DVS (Diagnostic and Verification System) to verify the HW before
running, IS (Information Server) for data and...
Sebastian Robert Bablok
(Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen)
05/09/2007, 17:15
Online Computing
oral presentation
The ALICE HLT is designed to perform event analysis including calibration of the
different ALICE detectors online. The detector analysis codes process data using the
latest calibration and condition settings of the experiment. This requires a high
reliability on the interfaces to the various other systems operating ALICE.
In order to have a comparable analysis with the results from...
Boyd Jamie
05/09/2007, 17:30
Online Computing
oral presentation
The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton
collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. At the design luminosity
there are roughly 23 collisions per bunch crossing. ATLAS has designed
a three-level trigger system to select potentially interesting
events. The first-level trigger, implemented in custom-built
electronics, reduces the incoming rate to less than 100 kHz...
Tumanov Alexander
(T.W. Bonner Nuclear Laboratory)
05/09/2007, 17:45
Online Computing
oral presentation
Unprecedented data rates that are expected at the LHC put high demand on the
speed of the detector data acquisition system. The CSC subdetector located in
the Muon Endcaps of the CMS detector has a data readout system equivalent in
size to that of a whole Tevatron detector (60 VME crates in the CSC DAQ equal
to the whole D0 DAQ size).
As a part of the HLT, the CSC data unpacking...
Sylvain Chapeland
06/09/2007, 14:00
Online Computing
oral presentation
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the heavy-ion detector designed to study
the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at the CERN
Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A large bandwidth and flexible Data Acquisition System
(DAQ) has been designed and deployed to collect sufficient statistics in the short
running time available per year for heavy ion and to...
Martin Purschke
06/09/2007, 14:20
Online Computing
oral presentation
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has
commissioned several new detector systems which are part of the
general readout for the first time in the RHIC Run 7, which is
currently under way.
In each of the RHIC Run periods since 2003, PHENIX has collected about
0.5 PB of data. For Run 7 we expect record luminosities for
the Au-Au beams, which will lead to...
Alexander Oh
06/09/2007, 14:35
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CMS experiment at the LHC at CERN will start taking data towards the end of 2007. To configure,
control and monitor the experiment during data-taking the Run Control and Monitoring System (RCMS) was
This paper describes the architecture and the technology used to implement the RCMS, as well as the
deployment and commissioning strategy of this online software component...
Benedetto Gorini
06/09/2007, 14:50
Online Computing
oral presentation
During 2006 and early 2007, integration and commissioning of trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) equipment in
the ATLAS experimental area have progressed. Much of the work has focussed on a final prototype setup consisting
of around 80 computers representing a subset of the full TDAQ system. There have been a series of technical runs
using this setup. Various tests have been run...
Niko Neufeld
06/09/2007, 15:05
Online Computing
oral presentation
The first level trigger of LHCb acceptes 1 MHz of events per second. After
preprocessing in custom FPGA-based boards these events are distributed to a
large farm of PC-servers using a high-speed Gigabit Ethernet network.
Synchronisation and event management is achieved by the Timing and Trigger
system of LHCb. Due to the complex nature of the selection of B-events, which
are the...
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
06/09/2007, 15:20
Online Computing
oral presentation
The CMS silicon strip tracker, providing a sensitive area of >200 m^2 and comprising
10M readout channels, is undergoing final assembly at the tracker integration
facility at CERN. The strip tracker community is currently working to develop and
integrate the online and offline software frameworks, known as XDAQ and CMSSW
respectively, for the purposes of data acquisition and detector...
Levente Hajdu
06/09/2007, 15:35
Online Computing
oral presentation
Keeping a clear and accurate experiment log is important for any scientific
experiment. The concept is certainly not new but keeping accurate while useful
records for a Nuclear Physics experiment such as RHIC/STAR is not a priori a simple
matter โ STAR operates 24 hours a day for six months out of the year with more then
24 shift crews operating 16 different subsystems (some located...