4–8 Aug 2015
America/Detroit timezone

Searches for the exclusive double diffractive Higgs

5 Aug 2015, 16:40
Room 4 (Michigan League)

Room 4

Michigan League

QCD Experiment QCD and Heavy Ions


Last Feremenga (University of Texas at Arlington)


The exclusive Higgs could be a clean channel to study Higgs properties. The most popular theoretical model for the exclusive Higgs predicts a total cross section of 3 fb at p-p 8 TeV collision energy. This study summarizes a search for the exclusive Higgs boson using ATLAS 8 TeV data, using the channel in which the Higgs decays to a pair of W bosons with different flavor leptons in the final state. Selection criteria are developed to isolate exclusive processes from inclusive processes. Selection criteria that isolate Higgs-like events that are inherited from previous Higgs searches are utilized. A limit of 770 fb on the total cross section of the exclusive Higgs production is obtained.
Oral or Poster Presentation Oral


Last Feremenga (University of Texas at Arlington)

Presentation materials