4–8 Aug 2015
America/Detroit timezone

Status and Results from DarkSide-50

7 Aug 2015, 16:36
Michigan (Michigan League)


Michigan League

Cosmology and Dark Matter Experiment AstroParticle, Cosmology, Dark Matter Searches, and CMB


Alden Fan (UCLA)


DarkSide-50 is the first physics detector of the DarkSide dark matter search program. The detector features a dual-phase underground-argon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) of 50 kg active mass surrounded by an organic liquid-scintillator neutron veto (30 tons) and a water-Cherenkov muon detector (1000 tons). The TPC is currently fully shielded and operating underground at Gran Sasso National Laboratory. A first run of 1422 kg-day exposure with atmospheric argon represents the most sensitive dark matter search using a liquid argon target. The TPC is now filled with underground argon, greatly reduced in Ar-39, and DarkSide-50 is in its final configuration for an extended dark matter search. Overviews of the design, performance, and results obtained so far with DarkSide-50 will be presented, along with future prospects for the DarkSide program.
Oral or Poster Presentation Oral


Alden Fan (UCLA)

Presentation materials