Jim Shank
(Boston University (US))
A brief history of the NSF Elementary Particle Physics (EPP) program
will be presented. This will show current research areas being funded. In
addition I will show the status of upcoming solicitations: CAREER, MRI,
2016 EPP and Accelerator Science. I will describe other EPP projects
funded under the Mid-Scale program and talk about the prospects for the
near-term future in this program. The current state of the new (now in the
second year) Accelerator Science program in the NSF PHY division will be
presented. I will talk about current funding initiatives involving
computing related to the EPP program. Finally, I will discuss the status
of the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC)
process as it relates to the LHC Phase II upgrades.
Oral or Poster Presentation | Oral |
Jim Shank
(Boston University (US))