4–8 Aug 2015
America/Detroit timezone

Barium Tagging in Solid Xenon for the nEXO Experiment

5 Aug 2015, 14:45
Hussey (Michigan League)


Michigan League

Neutrino Experiment Neutrino Physics


Mr Christopher Chambers (Colorado State University)


The proposed nEXO experiment utilizes a tonne-scale liquid xenon time projection chamber to search for neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon-136. A critical concern for any rare decay search is reducing or eliminating backgrounds that cannot be distinguished from signal. A powerful background discrimination technique is positive identification of the daughter atom of the decay, in this case barium. We are developing a scheme to capture the barium daughter in solid xenon with a cryogenic probe and detect the barium by laser-induced fluorescence. This presentation reports results on imaging of small numbers of barium atoms frozen in a solid xenon matrix.
Oral or Poster Presentation Oral


Mr Christopher Chambers (Colorado State University)


Mr Adam Craycraft (Colorado State University) Mr Timothy Walton (Colorado State University) Prof. William Fairbank (Colorado State University)

Presentation materials