4–8 Aug 2015
America/Detroit timezone

GRID computing at Belle II

6 Aug 2015, 14:26
Koessler (Michigan League)


Michigan League


Vikas Bansal (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider in Tsukuba, Japan, will start physics data taking in 2018 and will accumulate 50/ab of e+e- collision data, about 50 times larger than the data set of the earlier Belle experiment. The computing requirements of Belle II are comparable to those of a RUN I high-p_T LHC experiment. Computing will make full use of the GRID in North America, Asia and Europe and high speed networking. Results of an initial MC simulation campaign with 5 ab^-1 equivalent luminosity will be described.
Oral or Poster Presentation Oral

Primary authors

Malachi Schram Tom Browder (University of Hawaii)

Presentation materials