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20–30 Jul 2015
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Europe/Moscow timezone

Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in higher dimensions

24 Jul 2015, 16:40
Conference Hall (BLTP JINR)

Conference Hall



Dmitry Vlasenko (Southern Federal University)


The SYM theory in higher dimensions, namely D=6,8,10 cases were considered. The main interest is UV divergence of the theory, basically leading pole behavior. Based on calculation of some first loops an iterative procedure which allows to predict leading poles in each order without its direct calculation were constructed. Using this procedure a set of equations which provides a possibility to investigate divergent properties of a theory in leading order was obtained. Also some features and interesting properties of these equations were revealed.

Primary author

Dmitry Vlasenko (Southern Federal University)

Presentation materials