In this work, we study in detail the effects of many-body forces on the equation of state and the structure of magnetic neutron stars.
The stellar matter is described within a relativistic mean field formalism that takes into account many-body forces by means of a non-linear meson field dependence on the nuclear interaction coupling constants. We assume that matter is at zero temperature, charge neutral, in beta-equilibrium, and populated by the baryon octet, electrons, and muons. In order to study the effects of different degrees of stiffness in the equation of state, we explore the parameter space of the model, which reproduces nuclear matter properties at saturation, as well as massive neutron stars.
Magnetic field effects are introduced both in the equation of state and in the macroscopic structure of stars by the self-consistent solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. In addition, effects of poloidal magnetic fields on the global properties of stars, as well as density and magnetic field profiles are investigated. We find that not only different macroscopic magnetic field distributions, but also different parameterizations of the model for a fixed magnetic field distribution impact the gravitational mass, deformation and internal density profiles of stars.
Finally, we also show that magnetic fields affect significantly the particle populations of stars.