18–23 Mar 2018
Florianopolis, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Massive gluon exchange potential in KN scattering

20 Mar 2018, 16:00
Florianopolis, Brazil

Florianopolis, Brazil


Bruna Folador (UFRGS)


The Fock-Tani formalism is a first principle method to obtain effective interactions from microscopic Hamiltonians. Originally derived for meson-meson or baryon-baryon scattering, we present the corresponding equations for meson-baryon scaterring. Then we include the gluon mass, a non-perturbative aspect, to the interaction potencial between quarks with gluon exchange. In particular, we shall obtain the low energy differential cross sections for the K− + p → Λ + η channel.

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