18–23 Mar 2018
Florianopolis, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Leading Pomeron Contributions and the TOTEM Data at 13 TeV

19 Mar 2018, 16:00
Florianopolis, Brazil

Florianopolis, Brazil


Mateus Broilo (UFRGS)


The recent data by the TOTEM Collaboration on $\sigma_{tot}$ and $\rho$ at 13 TeV, have shown agreement with a leading Odderon contribution at the highest energies, as demonstrated in the very recent analysis by Martynov and Nicolescu (MN). In order to investigate the same dataset by means of Pomeron dominance, we introduce a general class of forward scattering amplitude, with leading contributions even under crossing, associated with simple, double an triple poles in the complex angular momentum plane. For the lower energy region, we consider the usual non-degenerated Regge trajectories, with even and odd symmetry. The analytic connection between $\sigma_{tot}$ and $\rho$ is obtained by means of dispersion relations and we carry out fits to $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ data in the interval $\sqrt{s}=5$ GeV - 13 TeV; following MN we consider only the TOTEM data at the LHC energy region. From the fits, we conclude that the general analytic model, as well as some particular cases representing standard parameterizations, are not able to describe satisfactorily the $\sigma_{tot}$ and $\rho$ data at 13 TeV.



Dr Emerson Luna (UFRGS) Prof. Márcio Menon (Unicamp)

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