In this work we study the viability of the Mossbauer technique to measure neutrino-nucleus
interaction, specifically Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering.
To describe the neutrino-nucleus interaction we propose a simple collective model in which the M\"ossbauer-nucleus is considered as an inert core with $A-1$ nucleons, and valence
neutron. The core is slightly deformed in the direction of the transferred momentum by the
weak process involving the $Z_{0}$ exchange with the core. Independent
particles transitions are Pauli-blocked and only collective transitions are permitted to the core.
The very small deformation of the core imposes a perturbative change in the effective
potential of the valence neutron. The non perturbed neutron s-state, which is spherically symmetric, is split into two energy level with has a narrow separation. Now the valence neutron
can explore energy transition between the $1/2$ and $3/2$ spin states. We show that the
M\"ossbauer spectroscopy is able to detect accurately this nuclear state change and it can be used as a new observable associated to CENNS.
In this work we study the viability of the M\"ossbauer technique to measure neutrino-nucleus
interaction, specifically Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering.