In this work, we study the renormalizability properties of an N = 1 non-abelian gauge theory defined by a multiplet containing a massive vectorial excitation. The model we study is the supersymmetric version of a Stueckelberg-like action, in the sense that the massive gauge field is constructed by means of a compensating scalar field, thus preserving gauge invariance.
We prove that the supersymmetric generalization is renormalizable constructing a set of suitable ward identities. Although the model is probably non-unitary, we will not undertake such investigation in the present work. Supersymmetric generalizations of Stueckelberg-like models was studied since very early but mostly concentrated on the better behaved abelian models, for instance, for a proposal of an abelian Stueckelberg sector in MSSM), with some constructions of non-abelian theories with tensor multiplets and also with composite gauge fields.