Bebo White
13/02/2006, 14:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Protรฉgรฉ is a free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework developed
at Stanford University ( The application is based on
Java, is extensible, and provides a foundation for customized knowledge-based and
Semantic Web applications. Protรฉgรฉ supports Frames, XML Schema, RDF(S), and OWL. It
provides a "plug and play environment" that makes it a...
Bebo White
13/02/2006, 14:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The Semantic Web shows great potential in the HEP community as an aggregation
mechanism for weakly structured data and a knowledge management tool for acquiring,
accessing, and maintaining knowledge within experimental collaborations. FOAF
(Friend-Of-A-Friend) ( is an RDFS/OWL ontology (some of
the fundamental Semantic Web technologies) for expressing...
Deepak Narasimha
(VMRF Deemed University)
13/02/2006, 14:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The objective of the paper is to advance the research in component-based software
development by including agent oriented software engineering techniques. Agent
oriented Component-based software development is the next step after object-oriented
programming that promises to overcome the problems, such as reusability and
complexity that have not yet been solved adequately with...
Sverre Jarp
13/02/2006, 15:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
HEP programs commonly have very flat execution profiles, implying that the execution
ime is spread over many routines/methods. Consequently, compiler optimization should
be applied to the whole program and not just a few inner loops. In this talk I,
nevertheless, discuss the value of extracting some of the most solicited routines
(relatively speaking) and using them to gauge overall...
Giulio Eulisse
(Northeastern University, Boston)
13/02/2006, 16:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The CMS tracker has more than 50 millions channels organized in 16540 modules each
one being a complete detector. Its monitoring requires the creation, analysis and
storage of at least 4 histograms per module to be done every few minutes. The
analysis of these plots will be done by computer programs that will check the data
against some reference plots and send alarms to the operator in...
Fons Rademakers
Fons Rademakers
13/02/2006, 16:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
ROOT as a scientific data analysis framework provides a large selection data
presentation objects and utilities. The graphical capabilities of ROOT range from 2D
primitives to various plots, histograms, and 3D graphical objects. Its object-
oriented design and developments offer considerable benefits for developing object-
oriented user interfaces. The ROOT GUI classes support an...
Fons Rademakers
13/02/2006, 16:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
One of the main design challenges is the task of selecting appropriate Graphical User
Interface (GUI) elements and organizing them to meet successfully the application
- How to choose and assign the basic user interface elements (so-called widgets from
`window gadgets') into the single panels of interactions?
- How to organize these panels to appropriate levels of the...
Matthias Schneebeli
(Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
13/02/2006, 17:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
This talk presents a new approach of writing analysis frameworks. We will point out a
way of generating analysis frameworks out of a short experiment description. The
generation process is completely experiment independent and can thus be applied to
any event based analysis.
The presentation will focus on a software package called ROME. This software
generates analysis frameworks which...
Andreas Pfeiffer
13/02/2006, 17:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
In the context of the LCG Applications Area the SPI, Software Process and
Infrastructure, project provides several services to the users in the LCG projects
and the experiments (mainly at the LHC). These services comprise the CERN Savannah
bug-tracking service, the external software service, and services concerning
configuration management and applications build, as well as software...
Hegoi Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta
(Instituto de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE))
14/02/2006, 14:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
ATLAS Trigger & DAQ software, with six Gbytes per release, will be installed in about
two thousand machines in the final system. Already during the development phase, it
is tested and debugged in various Linux clusters of different sizes and network
topologies. For the distribution of the software across the network there are, at
least, two possible aproaches: fixed routing points, and...
Marco Mambelli
14/02/2006, 14:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
We describe the Capone workflow manager which was designed to work for Grid3 and the
Open Science Grid. It has been used extensively to run ATLAS managed and user
production jobs during the past year but has undergone major redesigns to improve
reliablility and scalability as a result of lessons learned (cite Prod paper). This
paper introduces the main features of the new system covering...
Florian Urmetzer
(Research Assistant in the ACET centre, The University of Reading, UK)
14/02/2006, 14:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Ongoing research has shown that testing grid software is complex. Automated testing
mechanisms seem to be widely used, but are critically discussed on account of their
efficiency and correctness in finding errors. Especially when programming distributed
collaborative systems, structures get complex and systems get more error-prone. Past
projects done by the authors have shown that the...
Victor Daniel Elvira
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
14/02/2006, 15:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Monte Carlo simulations are a critical component of physics analysis in a large HEP
experiment such as CMS. The validation of the simulation sofware is therefore
essencial to guarantee the quality and accuracy of the Monte Carlo samples. CMS is
developing a Simulation Validation Suite (SVS) consisting of a set of packages
associated with the different sub-detector systems: tracker,...
Frederick Luehring
(Indiana University)
14/02/2006, 16:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
ATLAS is one of the largest collaborations ever attempted in the physical sciences.
This paper explains how the software infrastructure is organized to manage
collaborative code development by around 200 developers with varying degrees of
expertise, situated in 30 different countries. We will describe how succeeding
releases of the software are built, validated and subsequently deployed to...
Wim Lavrijsen
14/02/2006, 16:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The offline and high-level trigger software for the ATLAS experiment has now fully
migrated to a scheme which allows large tasks to be broken down into many
functionally independent components. These components can focus, for example, on
conditions or physics data access, on purely mathematical or combinatorial algorithms
or on providing detector-specific geometry and calibration...
Stefano Argiro
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
14/02/2006, 16:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Releasing software for projects with large code bases is a challenging task. When
developers are geographically dispersed, often in different time zones, coordination
can be difficult. A successful release strategy is therefore paramount and clear
guidelines for all the stages of software development are required. The CMS
experiment recently started a major refactorization of its...
klaus rabbertz
(Karlsruhe University)
14/02/2006, 17:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Packaging and distribution of experiment-specific software becomes a complicated task
when the number of versions and external dependencies increases. With the advent of
Grid computing, the distribution and update process must become a simple, robust and
transparent step. Furthermore, one must take into account that running a particular
application requires setup of the appropriate...
Andreas Nowack
(Aaachen University),
Klaus Rabbertz
(Karlsruhe University)
14/02/2006, 17:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
We describe the various tools used by CMS to create and manage the packaging and
distribution of software, including the various CMS software packages and the
external components upon which CMS software depends. It is crucial to manage the
environment to ensure that the configuration is correct, consistent, and reproducible
at the many computing centres running CMS software. We describe...
Douglas Smith
15/02/2006, 14:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
In the increasingly distributed collaborations of today's experiments, there is a
need to bring people together and manage all discussions. The main ways for doing
this on-line are the use of e-mail or web forums. HyperNews is a discussion
management system which bridges these two, by including the use of e-mail for input,
but also archiving the discussions in easy to access web pages. The...
Muge Karagoz Unel
(University of Oxford)
15/02/2006, 14:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The silicon system of the ATLAS Inner Detector consists of about 6000 modules in its
Semiconductor Tracker and Pixel Detector. Therefore, the offline global fit alignment
algorithm has to deal with solving a problem of up to 36000 degrees of freedom.32-bit
single-CPU platforms were foreseen to be unable to handle such large-size operations
needed by the algorithm. The proposed solution is...
Cibran Santamarina Rios
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
15/02/2006, 14:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
In this presentation we will discuss the design and functioning of a new tool that
runs the ATLAS High Level Trigger Software on Event Summary Data (ESD) files, the
format for data analysis in the experiment. An example of how to implement a sequence
of algorithms based on the electrons selection will be shown.
Jeremy Herr
(University of Michigan), Dr
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
15/02/2006, 15:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The size and geographical diversity of the LHC collaborations present new challenges
for communication and training. The Web Lecture Archive Project (WLAP), a joint
project between the University of Michigan and CERN Academic and Technical Training,
has been involved in recording, archiving and disseminating physics lectures and
software tutorials for CERN and the ATLAS Collaboration since...
Jeremy Herr
(University of Michigan), Dr
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
15/02/2006, 16:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The major challenges preventing the wide-scale generation of web lecture recordings
include the compactness and price of the required hardware, the speed of the
compression and posting operations, and the need for a human camera operator. We will
report on efforts that have led to major progress in addressing each of these issues.
We will describe the design, prototyping and pilot...
Bartlomiej Pawlowski
(CERN), Mr
Nick Ziogas
(CERN), Mr
Wim Van Leersum
15/02/2006, 16:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
CRA is a multi layered system with a web based front end providing centralized
management and rules enforcement in a complex, distributed computing environment such
as Cern. Much like an orchestra conductor CRAโs role is essential and multi
functional. Account management, resource usage and consistency controls for every
central computing service at Cern with about 75000 active accounts is...
Stephan Petit
15/02/2006, 16:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Ensuring personnel and equipment safety under all conditions, while operating the
complex CERN systems, is a vital condition for CERN success. By applying accurate
operating and maintenance procedures as well as executing regular safety
inspections, CERN has an excellent safety record. Regular safety inspections also
permit the traceability of all important events that have occurred...
Alberto Pepe
15/02/2006, 17:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
The traditional dissemination channels of research results, via article publishing in
scientific journals, are facing a profound metamorphosis driven by the advent of the
internet and broader access to electronic resources. This change is naturally leading
away from the traditional publishing paradigm towards an archive-based approach in
which institutional libraries organize, manage and...
Steven Goldfarb
(High Energy Physics)
16/02/2006, 14:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
I report on the findings and recommendations of the LCG Project's Requirements and
Technical Assessment Group (RTAG 12) on Collaborative Tools for the LHC. A group
comprising representatives of the LHC collaborations, CERN IT and HR, and leading
experts in the field of collaborative tools evaluated the requirements of the LHC,
current practices, and expected future usage, in comparison...
Andy Buckley
(Durham University),
Andy Buckley
(University of Cambridge)
16/02/2006, 14:20
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Setting up the infrastructure to manage a software project can easily become more
work than writing the software itself. A variety of useful open-source tools, such as
Web-based viewers for version control systems, "wikis" for collaborative discussions
and bug-tracking systems are available but their use in high-energy physics, outside
large collaborations, is small.
We introduce the...
Philippe Galvez
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
16/02/2006, 14:40
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
During this session we will describe and demonstrate the MonALISA (MONitoring Agents
using A Large Integrated Services Architecture) and the new enhanced VRVS (Virtual
Room Videoconferencing System) systems, and their integration to provide a next
generation of collaboration system called EVO. The melding of these two systems
creates a distributed intelligent system that provides an...
16/02/2006, 15:00
Software Tools and Information Systems
oral presentation
Samples of data acquired by the STAR Experiment at RHIC are examined at various
stages of processing for quality assurance (QA) purposes. As STAR continues to mature
and utilize new hardware and software, it remains imperative to the experiment to
work cohesively to insure the quality of STAR data so that the collaboration may
continue to produce many new physics results in the efficient...