3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Inclusive searches for SUSY using the razor variables in CMS

5 Jul 2016, 14:20
Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Sidney Myer Asia G02-G03

Talk Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY Experimental and Collider Aspects of SUSY


Javier Mauricio Duarte (California Institute of Technology (US))


We present the latest SUSY search results using the razor
kinematic variables in CMS. An inclusive strategy is adopted
using multijet events with zero or one lepton, categorized in
the number jets and b-tags, which is sensitive to a wide
variety of SUSY scenarios. Results are interpreted in terms of
limits of gluino pair production decaying to stops, sbottoms,
and squarks, as well as squark pair production.


Javier Mauricio Duarte (California Institute of Technology (US))

Presentation materials