3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

GUT Scale Threshold Effects on Proton Decay

7 Jul 2016, 15:40
Alice Hoy Room 309

Alice Hoy Room 309

Talk Flavour Physics Flavour Physics


Takumi Kuwahara (Nagoya University)


The supersymmetric grand unified theories (SUSY GUTs) are the promising models beyond the standard model for particle physics.
The standard SUSY GUTs predict that there exist the baryon-number violating processes, such as proton decay.
It is important to estimate quantum corrections on these processes in order to predict precise nucleon lifetime since there exists a large scale running between the GUT scale and 1 GeV where the nucleon matrix elements are calculated.
In this work, we have evaluated the GUT scale threshold corrections to the Wilson coefficients of the dimension-six baryon-number violating operators,
and then we have estimated the effect of the threshold corrections on the decay rate in the minimal and non-minimal SUSY SU(5) GUTs.
This talk will be based on our recent papers [arXiv:1503.08561] and [arXiv:1603.03568].


Takumi Kuwahara (Nagoya University)


Prof. Borut Bajc (Jozef Stefan institute) Junji HISANO (Nagoya university) Dr Yuji Omura (Nagoya university (KMI))

Presentation materials