3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Reconstructing WIMP dark matter properties through signal measurements in direct detection, Fermi-LAT, and CTA

5 Jul 2016, 18:10
Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
Talk Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics


Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw)


I will examine the projected ability to reconstruct the mass, scattering, and annihilation cross section of dark matter in the new generation of large underground detectors in combination with diffuse gamma radiation from expected 15 years of data from Fermi-LAT observation of 46 local spiral dwarf galaxies and projected CTA sensitivity to a signal from the Galactic Center. I will consider several benchmark points inspired by rather general extensions of the Standard Model, spanning a wide range of WIMP mass, different annihilation final states, and large enough event rates to warrant detection in one or more experiments. Direct and indirect detection experiments can be used in complementarity to ameliorate the respective determinations, which in individual experiments can at best be rather poor. A remarkable improvement in WIMP reconstruction can be achieved by combining discovery data from Fermi-LAT and/or CTA, or by combining gamma-ray observatories with direct detection experiments.


Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw)


Andrew J. Williams (NCBJ, Warsaw) Leszek Roszkowski (NCBJ, Warsaw) Sebastian Trojanowski (NCBJ, Warsaw)

Presentation materials