3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Exotica searches with LHCb

7 Jul 2016, 16:50
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Gerco Onderwater (Van Swinderen Institute)


A flexible trigger system, excellent vertex locator, ring imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors, and forward acceptance allow unique direct searches to be performed at LHC energies using data collected with the LHCb detector, in particular dealing with complementary New Physics parameter regions. A summary of results will be presented, including several SUSY related results, such as searches for long-lived heavy charged particles, as well as displaced particles decaying into jet pairs.


Gerco Onderwater (Van Swinderen Institute)

Presentation materials