3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Indirect detection of sub-GeV dark matter

4 Jul 2016, 17:10
Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carillo Gantner Theatre

Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre The University of Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
Talk Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter and Particle Astrophysics


Adam Coogan (UC Santa Cruz)


Since the WIMP paradigm has dominated for decades, dark matter (DM) in the sub-GeV mass range is only now receiving significant attention. I will discuss indirect detection of such models in light of the recently proposed ComPair experiment, which will increase sensitivity to 1–100 MeV gamma rays by two orders of magnitude. Using a scalar-mediated model as an example, I illustrate how to apply chiral perturbation theory to compute the cross section for dark matter annihilation to pions. I also present the gamma ray spectrum resulting from the subsequent charged and neutral pion decay. Finally, I explain how to perform this analysis for theories with different mediators and discuss cosmological issues.


Adam Coogan (UC Santa Cruz)


Francesco D'Eramo (UC Berkeley) Mr Logan Morrison (UC Santa Cruz) Stefano Profumo

Presentation materials