3–8 Jul 2016
The University of Melbourne
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Radiative Left-Right symmetry breaking from flavour enhanced trinification

7 Jul 2016, 15:00
Alice Hoy Room 242

Alice Hoy Room 242

Talk Non-SUSY and Exotics Non-SUSY and Exotics


Mr Jonas Wessén (Lund University)


In this talk I will present our recent work on a non-supersymmetric trinification GUT with a global $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ flavour symmetry. The $\mathrm{SU}(3)$ flavour symmetry solves many of the persistent issues of traditional trinification model building, where models typically contain an uncomfortably large number of free parameters and naturally prefers GUT scale masses for the Standard Model (SM) fermions. In our model, the trinification symmetry group (gauge and global) is spontaneously broken down to the standard Left-Right symmetric gauge group, together with an extra $\mathrm{SU}(2) \times \mathrm{U}(1)$ global symmetry. Upon integrating out the heavy states at this scale, we obtain an effective Left-Right symmetric model which spontaneously breaks to the SM gauge group at a lower scale by means of RG running.


Mr Jonas Wessén (Lund University)


Dr António Morais (Aveiro University) Dr José Eliel Camargo-Molina (Lund University) Dr Marco Sampaio (Aveiro University) Dr Roman Pasechnik (Lund University)

Presentation materials