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3–7 Nov 2015
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Vortical structures and strange hyperon polarization in heavy-ion collisions at NICA

6 Nov 2015, 14:40


Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (Dubna))


We study vorticity and hydrodynamic helicity in semi-peripheral heavy-ion collisions using the kinetic model of Quark-Gluon Strings. The angular momentum, which is a source of P-odd observables, is preserved with a good accuracy. We observe formation of the specific toroidal structures of the vorticity field. Their existence, accompanied by the strange chemical potential, is mirrored in the polarization of hyperons of the percent order.

Primary author

Alexander Sorin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (Dubna))


Prof. Konstantin Gudima (Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova) Dr Mircea Baznat (Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova) Prof. Oleg Teryaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna))

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