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MEDAMI 2016 - IV Mediterranean Thematic Workshop in Advanced Molecular Imaging


Vision Paper on Medical Imaging

and ZIP file with photos of the workshop

at the bottom of this page

Personalized Medicine, a Paradigm Shift for Medical Imaging?

Towards Personalized Medical Imaging: How to implement the vision

Ajaccio Bay, Corsica, May 1-5, 2016

Porticcio bay 

Following the series of previously conducted symposia on dedicated medical imaging instrumentation, we are presently organizing the 4th issue of this workshop to be held on the beautiful island of Corsica.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the implications of the vision of individualized/personalized medicine on the activity and productivity of the imaging instrumentation community. This activity needs to be in tune with the future demands of the personalized  medicine.

The key motivation for the personalized medicine is to deliver the correct treatment to the particular patient at the right time, while controlling the overall costs of providing healthcare to the public. A key requirement of our future healthcare system is the capability to provide more effective preventive screening care to the ageing population to reduce the incidence of patients presenting with late-stage disease and the associated high costs in managing the medical care for these patients.

Some of the highlight topics of this meeting are:

  • Personalized Medicine – what will be the impact on current medical imaging?
  • Is there a need for organ specific (precision) medical imaging?
  • What are the medical areas with the strongest impact/needs?
  • New Imaging Technologies and Methods for precision imaging, including image guided radio- and HIFU-therapy and drug delivery.
  • The role of new tracers and agents in personalised medical imaging.
  •  Funding mechanisms for the development of dedicated imagers, from development to implementation, the role of government agencies and private investment.

Preliminary list of key speakers at this meeting include:

  • Ruxandra Draghia-Alkli, Head of the Health Directorate at the EU DG Research
  • Prof. Roderic Pettigrew, director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
  • Magda Chlebus, Head of strategy at the EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)
  • Prof. David Townsend, National University of Singapore, inventor of PET/CT
  • Prof. Osman Ratib, Head of the Nuclear Medicine department, University Hospital Geneva
  • Prof. John Prior, Head of the Nuclear Medicine department, University Hospital Lausanne
  • Prof. Markus Schwaiger, Head of the Nuclear Medicine department, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Münich
  • Prof. Nassir Navab, Computer Aided Medicine, TU Münich
  • Prof. Craig Levin, Stanford Molecular Imaging Instrumentation Laboratory (MIIL)

The meeting format fosters a close interaction between different stakeholders from academia, medical institutions and organizations, regulatory agencies and industry. In particular, industry is invited to play an active role by:

  • Giving keynote lectures on the vision of industry towards personalised medicine.
  • Actively participating in sessions and round table discussions.
  • Meeting with government agencies’ representatives to express industry position.
  • Conducting one-on-one meetings with key researchers in the field.

The list of partners having a role to play in this broad discussion includes, but is not limited to: scientific community, medical community, high-tech industry, medical companies, pharmacological companies, government agencies, local governments, foundations, patient support organizations, health insurance organizations and companies, media, etc. Therefore, we would like to invite representatives of these groups to the “discussion table”. Based on our historically documented natural scientific interest in medical imaging, we perceive ourselves as potentially natural instigators of such a discussion.

Hence, we are inviting representatives of the stakeholders and other participants in this process to a four-day meeting in Ajaccio, Corsica, May 1-5, 2016. The venue and the format of the meeting (that are both being finalized at this moment) will be to facilitate the multi-partner multidisciplinary discussions in a non-disruptive enabling atmosphere with several round table brainstorming sessions, in addition to the invited talks by experts and representatives in the relevant fields and subjects, focusing on different selected aspects of the overall process including science, medicine, industry, and with points of view of decision makers’ developing healthcare policies also included in this discussion. 

P. Lecoq, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

J.M. Benlloch, I3M, Valencia, Spain

F. Garibaldi, ISS&INFN, Rome, Italy

Y. Hämisch, Axel Schröder Unternehmensberatung GmbH & Co. KG

C. Levin, Stanford, USA

G. Loudos, Technological Educational Institute, Athens, Greece

S. Majewski, University of Virginia, USA

D. Townsend, A*STAR-NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore

V. Sossi, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada




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