Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

5–9 Jul 2016
<a href=>Palace Hotel San Francisco</a>
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Contribution List

303 / 303
Mark Savage (Sandia National Laboratories)
06/07/2016, 08:15
Oral Presentation
Richard Nuccitelli (Pulse Biosciences)
07/07/2016, 08:15
Oral Presentation
Mr C.B. Sumod Sumod (Institute for plasma research), Mr Dipal Thakkar Dipal (Institute for plasma research), Mr L.N. Gupta Laxminarayan (Institute for plasma research), Mr Pareshkumar Pareshkumar (Institute for plasma research), Mr U.K.Baruah Ujjwal (Institute for plasma research)
07/07/2016, 13:30
Power Electronics, Power Supplies, Prime Power, Rotating Machines, and Energy Converters
Poster Presentation
Regulated high voltage power supplies (RHVPS) at an 80kV/10 MW level are designed, developed in-house and patented by Institute for plasma research (IPR) and are being utilized for different heating systems within steady state tokomak (SST-1). These are main power sources for NBI, LHCD, ECRH and ICRH heating systems for running an SST-1. In this presentation, different subparts of these...
George Chen (University of Southampton)
07/07/2016, 15:30
Oral Presentation
Bucur Novac (Loughborough University)
08/07/2016, 08:15
Oral Presentation
Dr Boris Gutman (State University of New York, Nassau Community College), Mr Giovanni Villanova (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College), Mr Nicholas Belluccia (Student, State University of New York, Nassau Community College)
08/07/2016, 13:30
Plasmas, Discharges, and Electromagnetic Phenomena
Poster Presentation
The plasma generators consists of a circular orifice anode and an inner cathode enclosed in a chamber and positioned in line with the nozzle. The otherwise closed chamber has a vortex-stabilizing gas inlet, and gates in the region of arc column and is heated and accelerated. By adjusting the flow of gas, one can force the arc column to contract anode-bore, outside of the chamber, flame-like...
New and Novel Applications of Power Modulators
Oral Presentation

I am testing how to submit a paper!

Amanda Loveless (Purdue University)
High Power Microwaves
Poster Presentation

I like power modulators.

Amanda Loveless (Purdue University)
High Power Microwaves
Oral Presentation

I really like power modulators.