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Standard Model at LHC 2016

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

The SM@LHC 2016 conference will be held May 3-6, 2016 at the University of Pittsburgh.

The meeting aims to bring together experimentalists and theorists to discuss the phenomenology, observational results and theoretical tools for Standard Model physics at the LHC. The agenda is divided into four working groups:

  1. Electroweak physics
  2. Higgs physics
  3. QCD (hard, soft & PDFs)
  4. Top & flavour physics

Conference location: Forbes ballroom, Hilton Garden Inn, 3454 Forbes Ave.

Program organizers: Juan Alcaraz Maestre, Jeppe Andersen, Mario Campanelli, Tancredi Carli, Vitaliano Ciulli, Stefan Dittmaier,  Frank Krauss, Eric Laenen, Katharina Müller, Aleandro Nisati

Local organizers: Cindy Cercone, Ayres Freitas, Tao Han, Brock Tweedie

SM@LHC 2016 is followed by the Pheno 2016 Symposium, May 9-11, 2016, in Pittsburgh.

Previous SM@LHC Workshops:
SM@LHC 2015 (Florence, Italy)
SM@LHC 2014 (Madrid, Spain)
SM@LHC 2013 (Freiburg, Germany)
SM@LHC 2012 (Kopenhagen, Denmark)
SM@LHC 2011 (Durham, UK)
SM@LHC 2009 (London, UK)




    • 09:00 10:45
      Higgs physics: Session 1 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Conveners: Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas), Marco Pieri (Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Pamela Ferrari (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 09:00
        Coupling decays combination Run I 25m
        Speaker: Cyril Pascal Becot (New York University (US))
      • 09:25
        First Run II results on the SM Higgs boson 30m
        Speaker: Hannes Mildner (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
      • 09:55
        Differential and fiducial measurements Run I 25m
        Speaker: Kate Whalen (University of Oregon (US))
      • 10:20
        Templates for cross-sections and pseudo-observables 25m
        Speaker: David Marzocca (University of Zurich)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Coffee break 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 11:15 13:00
      Electroweak: Session 1 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Conveners: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)), Louis Helary (Boston University (US))
      • 11:15
        Inclusive W,Z: Precision measurements 30m
        Speaker: Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
      • 11:45
        Electroweak NLO for DY 25m
        Speaker: Carlo Michel Carloni Calame
      • 12:10
        QCD NNLO for DY 25m
        Speaker: Ye Li (FNAL)
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:30 16:15
      QCD: Session 1 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Conveners: Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US)), Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)
      • 14:30
        Jet properties, jet substructure and q/g discrimination 35m
        Speaker: Craig Anthony Sawyer (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
      • 15:05
        Theory of Q/G discrimination 35m
        Speaker: Marat Freytsis (University of Oregon)
      • 15:40
        Multijet measurements 35m
        Speaker: Achim Geiser (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 16:15 16:45
      Coffee break 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 16:45 18:30
      Top & flavor physics: Session 1 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Conveners: J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 16:45
        Overview of recent experimental results in flavor physics 55m
        Speaker: Marcin Chrzaszcz (Universitaet Zuerich (CH), Institute of Nuclear Physics (PL))
      • 17:40
        Standard-model predictions of rare b hadron decays 25m
        Speaker: Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 18:05
        New lattice calculations for quantities in flavor physics 25m
        Speaker: John Laiho (Syracuse U.)
    • 09:00 10:05
      Electroweak: Session 2 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)), Louis Helary (Boston University (US))
      • 09:00
        Overview of multiboson measurements at the LHC 40m
        Speaker: Felix Buhrer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
      • 09:40
        QCD corrections for dibosons 25m
        Speaker: Mauro Chiesa (Università di Pavia e INFN Sezione di Pavia (IT))
    • 10:05 10:45
      Top & flavor physics: Session 2, joint with Electroweak Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: J Michael Williams (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 10:05
        Introduction to EFT and application to top-quark physics 40m
        Speaker: Cen Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Coffee break 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 11:15 13:00
      Top & flavor physics: Session 2 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 11:15
        Precise measurements of top-quark observables 40m
        Speaker: James Alfred Mueller (University of Pittsburgh (US))
      • 11:55
        Interpretation of top-quark observables 35m
        Speaker: Steve Wimpenny (University of California Riverside (US))
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:30 16:15
      Higgs physics: Session 2 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas), Marco Pieri (Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Pamela Ferrari (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 14:30
        EFT LO and NLO methods 25m
        Speaker: Tyler Corbett (ARC CoEPP Melbourne)
      • 14:55
        X-section and BR calculations on SM Higgs physics 25m
        Speaker: Elisabetta Furlan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 15:20
        Spin and CP results 25m
        Speaker: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
      • 15:45
        Run I and first Run II results for Higgs BSM searches 30m
        Speaker: Hass Abouzeid (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
    • 16:15 16:45
      Coffee break 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 16:45 18:30
      QCD: Session 2 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US)), Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)
      • 16:45
        Developments in PDFs 35m
        Speaker: Pavel Nadolsky (Southern Methodist University)
      • 17:20
        Hadronization corrections 35m
        Speaker: Christopher Lee (LANL)
      • 17:55
        Minimum bias measurements at 13 TeV 35m
        Speaker: Richard Dryden Field (University of Florida (US))
    • 08:30 10:15
      QCD: Session 3 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US)), Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)
      • 08:30
        Matching higher-orders and partons showers 35m
        Speaker: Jan-Christopher Winter (Michigan State University)
      • 09:05
        NNLO Phenomenology for the LHC 35m
        Speaker: Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 09:40
        Next-to-eikonal calculations 35m
        Speaker: Eric Laenen (Nikhef)
    • 10:15 10:35
      Coffee break 20m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 10:35 12:20
      Electroweak: Session 3 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)), Louis Helary (Boston University (US))
      • 10:35
        V+jets, V+hf (experiment) 30m
        Speaker: Avto Kharchilava (State University of New York (US))
      • 11:05
        NLO+PS for V+jets 30m
        Speaker: Sandro Uccirati (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 11:35
        Rare processes (V+2j, Zgamma+2j, WW+2j) 30m
        Speaker: Aungshuman Zaman (State University of New York (US))
    • 12:20 13:40
      Lunch 1h 20m
    • 13:40 15:25
      Top & flavor physics: Session 3 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 13:40
        Overview of t-tbar-Higgs production beyond NLO QCD 25m
        Speaker: Alessandro Broggio (TU Munich)
      • 14:05
        t-tbar-Higgs measurements during LHC Run I 30m
        Speaker: Vadim Kostyukhin (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
      • 14:35
        Monte-Carlo predictions for t-tbar+boson and t-tbar+jets production 25m
        Speaker: Stefano Frixione (INFN)
      • 15:00
        t-tbar+boson measurements 25m
        Speaker: Jie Yu (Iowa State University (US))
    • 15:25 15:45
      Coffee break 20m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 15:45 17:30
      Higgs physics: Session 3 Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas), Marco Pieri (Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Pamela Ferrari (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 15:45
        Most relevant HBSM models for Run II from theory side 30m
        Speaker: Tim Stefaniak (SCIPP, UCSC)
      • 16:15
        750 GeV excess (experiment) 25m
        Speaker: Simone Pigazzini (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
      • 16:40
        HH perspective for future 25m
        Speaker: Sara Lynn Dawson (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 17:05
        Higgs prospects for Run II and HL-LHC 25m
        Speaker: Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
    • 18:00 18:30
      Transportation from hotel 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 18:30 21:00
      Dinner cruise 2h 30m Gateway clipper

      Gateway clipper

    • 09:30 10:00
      Top & flavor physics: Summary and discussion Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 09:30
        Top & flavor: Outlook 15m
        Speakers: J Michael Williams (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Mara Senghi Soares (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES), Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University), Wolfgang Altmannshofer (University of Cincinnati)
      • 09:45
        Discussion 15m
    • 10:00 10:30
      QCD: Summary and discussion Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US)), Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)
      • 10:00
        QCD: Outlook 15m
        Speakers: Joey Huston (Michigan State University (US)), Philip Ilten (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Dr Simone Marzani (SUNY Buffalo)
      • 10:15
        Discussion 15m
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

    • 11:00 11:30
      Higgs physics: Summary and discussion Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas), Marco Pieri (Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Pamela Ferrari (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 11:00
        Higgs: Outlook 15m
        Speakers: Ian Lewis (The University of Kansas), Marco Pieri (Univ. of California San Diego (US)), Pamela Ferrari (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 11:15
        Discussion 15m
    • 11:30 12:00
      Electroweak: Summary and discussion Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn

      Conveners: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)), Louis Helary (Boston University (US))
      • 11:30
        Electroweak: Outlook 15m
        Speakers: Anne-Marie Magnan (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB)), Fulvio Piccinini (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT)), Louis Helary (Boston University (US))
      • 11:45
        Discussion 15m
    • 12:00 12:30
      Closing remarks 30m Hilton Garden Inn

      Hilton Garden Inn