24–26 May 2017
Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Ab initio study on the effect of phenyl substitution on the binding of carbon dioxide to salcomine

25 May 2017, 16:05
Ballroom 1

Ballroom 1

Oral Atomic Physics, Quantum Physics, Molecular and Chemical Physics A15: Atomics


Mr Meliton Chiong III (Materials Science and Engineering Program, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)


Metal-organic complexes, such as metal-porphyrins, can function as homogeneous catalysts for electrochemical reduction. In this work we present ab initio electronic structure calculations for a reaction involving carbon dioxide and salcomine, a coordination complex consisting of a salen ligand and a cobalt (II) atom. Changes to the binding energy due to substitutions on the phenyl ring by different functional groups are also studied. Cases where a shrinking HOMO-LUMO gap decreases the overpotential and increases the catalytic efficiency of the complex are analyzed. This study provides a theoretical basis for possible salen complex candidates as electrocatalyst for the reduction of carbon dioxide.

Primary author

Mr Meliton Chiong III (Materials Science and Engineering Program, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)


Dr Francis Paraan (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)

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