24–26 May 2017
Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Implementation of a Parallel Simplex Algorithm

25 May 2017, 17:00
Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa

Rayong Marriott Resort & Spa

http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bkkrr-rayong-marriott-resort-and-spa/ Rayong, Thailand
Poster High Energy and Particle Physics Poster Presentation II


Thanachot Nasawad


The Nelder-Mead method or Simplex algorithm was proposed in 1965 by John Nelder and Roger Mead. It is widely used to fi?nd minimum values of speci?c functions in Mathematics and Physics. We implemented a framework for minimization algorithm
in C++ based on the non-parallel Simplex scheme and a parallel adaptation. For the
parallel simplex algorithm, we used the Message Passing Interface (MPI) which is a C language library for parallel programming. We show that this parallel Simplex method yields a higher computational efficiency than the non-parallel Simplex algorithm.

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